Blessed Are The Peacemakers

"Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God." (Matthew 5:9) There is a commission from God that is available to every obedient Christian today and that is to be a peacemaker. Argument and discord is a great waste of energies better spent on more productive activities. Nothing wears men and hardens hearts like that of strife.

In His opening on the "Sermon on the Mount," Jesus gives us something to do, not just something to be, in the seventh Beatitude. Mature Christians are not to shut themselves up in seclusion, indifferent to the evils of the world around them. They are to interfere for its betterment through peacemaking.

Those who are truly blessed are Christians who labor hard in Christ's work. Their first and utmost endeavor toward mankind is to tell all who will listen, about Jesus, for He alone can bring reconciliation and peace between man and God. Until this happens there can be no true lasting peace among mankind. No man can know God's lasting peace nor guide others to it until he accepts Christ as personal Savior and Lord.

Who is a peacemaker? 1.) The person who strives to make peace with God. "...We have peace with God through [the] Lord Jesus Christ." (Romans 5: 1); 2.) The person who strives at every opportunity to make peace between others. "Let us therefore make every effort to do what leads to peace and to mutual edification." (Romans 14: 19) "Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit but in humility consider others better than yourselves." (Philippians 2: 3)

Peacemakers love peace but they do not passively accept trouble brought about by sin. There are those who claim to love peace, yet they remove themselves from all trouble. They ignore and flee problems and threatening situations, and they often evade issues. They make no attempt to bring true peace. The peacemaker (of whom Jesus speaks) faces all trouble that stands against the righteousness of God, no matter how dangerous and he works to bring true lasting peace, regardless of the struggles. All peacemakers have had struggles in obtaining true peace.

Peaceable and peacemaking are to be the character of the children of God and they will be looked to for help. Biblical Museum records this statement about such a peacemaker; "John Dickinson was often called, by way of distinction, 'the peacemaker' and such was his heart to keep the bonds of peace from being broken, such was his desire to heal the breach when made, that he would stoop to any act but that of meanness, make any sacrifice but that of true principle, endure any treatment. From the high estimate in which his character was held, he was often called upon to act as umpire in cases of arbitration; and it was but rarely, that the equity of his decisions was impeached. On one occasion, two men were disputing in a public-house about the results of an arbitration, when a third party said 'Had John Dickinson anything to do with? 'Yes' was the reply. 'Then all is right, I am sure.' And the dispute ceased."

All eight of the Beatitudes taught by Christ come as the result of the supernatural working of the Holy Spirit. All who are surrendered to His leading can become known as peacemakers and be called the children of God.