The week before last I made a trip to Lincoln, Illinois. I drove Dallas and Alpha’s car up there and left it off for them. (It was an 18-hour road trip, but I actually enjoyed most of it. The reason I enjoyed it was not JUST that I was driving a red SAAB with lots of pickup --- that got 35 miles per gallon by the way --- The reason I enjoyed that long trip was because I was listening to all kinds of music on a great sound system (at top volume!)

I listened to some of my favorite old CD’s … and to some new ones. One of the new CD’s was a re-mastering of some vintage Big Band music. Susan’s parents live in Lincoln … and when they heard the music, they wanted to hear it. They said those old songs brought back memories from their youth … in the 40’s.

That’s the way music is. Just hearing music can stir up old memories and emotions. Music sets a mood. It can sooth us or it can wake us up. Music helps us remember. I’m not all that great at memorizing, but I can remember the lyrics of songs I learned 40 years ago. Music orders our thoughts. In church, music unites us in voice and in purpose.

Music is powerful. I believe God created music to help connect our spirits to His Spirit. Think about the Christian music that you have listened to throughout your life. What Christian Songs mean the most to you? Are they OLD songs, or are they NEW songs? OR maybe you are like me and you enjoy both OLD and NEW.