How many of you have cell phones? Isn’t it amazing how cell phones have become a necessity? It wasn’t that long ago that people still wrote letters! But technology has made it so much easier to communicate. Although – some research has shown that very advanced technologies existed long ago.

Some German archeologist were excavating the ruins of a castle last year, and found traces of copper wire that were over 1,000 years old. They believed they found the remains of an early telephone system.

After that discovery, Italian scientists began to examine traces of optical fibers that they found beneath ruins of temples that were built around the time of Christ. They announced that in Rome, their ancestors had advanced high-tech digital telephones 1,000 years before the Germans.

Not to be outdone, the English began digging beneath ancient druid ruins off the northern coast. After digging to 100 meters, they found nothing. The London papers announced that apparently, over 3,000 years ago, their ancestors were already using wireless technology!

…Blonde with cell phone…. “How did you know I was at Wal-Mart?”

From the standpoint of technology, we are living in the most connected world in history. But from a social standpoint, we are more disconnected than ever. We are connected – but to what? To whom?

(Source: from a sermon by Everett McCoy, "Mission Possible: Send that Satellite Image to my Cell Phone (3 of 6)" 7/27/08, MISSION POSSIBLE: Send that Satellite Image to my Cell Phone (3 of 6) by Everett McCoy)