Let’s talk about the differences inherent in being son or servant in any household.

Now it may seem more than a stretch to draw from a modern fantasy tale for my illustration, but the story line of Batman offers very good examples of our point.

In that story, the boy who will eventually become the crime-fighting Batman, named Bruce Wayne, loses his parents at a young age to a cold-blooded murder.

He is left alone in the world with only the faithful family servant, Alfred, and the family estate consisting of a mansion, a successful business and millions of dollars.

The boy, being the son in the family, is technically master and owner of all by virtue of his bearing the family name. The servant, though having served the family for several generations and now the elder of the household, remains yet a servant with claim to nothing other than his charge to be faithful to the son.

In the fullness of time Bruce, the son, would come to take control of the business and truly be master of all things in the house. The servant, while having access to all the comforts and conveniences of the house, uses them, cares for them, keeps them in order, yet is owner of none of it.

Moses was faithful in all God’s house as a servant. Jesus was faithful as Son. The servant faithfully testified of what was to come; the faithfulness of the Son fulfilled what was attested to.