A couple found a beautiful log house in Colorado that was high in the mountains. It had a beautiful view, and they had their heart set on buying it. They prayed about the house, but one thing after another went wrong. The timing was not right, their financing didn’t go through. They had prayed numerous times, but the deal fell through. They were disappointed and wondered why God hadn’t answered their prayer.

During the winter there was a big storm and an avalanche of snow. This house was one that was totally destroyed and slid down the mountain. In their case God had honored their prayer by answering with a "No."

Sometimes we get discouraged when God doesn’t give us the desires of our hearts, but God’s denial of our dreams may merely be His work to give us a new dream and change the desires of our hearts.

(From a sermon by Tommy Burrus, "The Death of a Dream, the Birth of a Blessing" 8/10/08)