How then do we deal with overload across the seasons of life?

Here are some suggestions adapted from the thoughts of Dr. Richard Swenson.

Learn to ask the question at each new season of life, ‘How much is enough?’

There are seasons in life when we need to do more and be more involved and there are seasons when we need and must do less. We need to approach each new season of life (and many start and end with family changes: marriage, birth, school, graduation, marriage, birth, school, graduation, death) with a willingness to discern that perhaps it is a season to let some commitments go and not pick up any new ones for a time. Remember that ‘success in God’s eyes is measured by love.’ Some of us here have experienced the death of a spouse and if you had a chance to share with us who are still married, I think that you would probably say to us, ‘be thankful for your spouse and value the time you have with them. Make it count.’ Love, not accumulation of things, is a more important goal throughout life.

Redefine happiness.

Happiness is a by-product of obedience to God’s way and purpose. Happiness, in and of itself, cannot be directly achieved.

Be a creator rather than a consumer. In other words, contribute, don’t just take. Serve and not just be served. The command to go and make disciples is a command to contribute to the lives of others as followers of Christ. Yes, do take in from time to time (we all need to be served from time to time) but also get out and serve.