There is a place near where Christina and I used to live in Florida, called Wall Spring Park. When Sebastian was a baby and then very little and first beginning to walk, she and I would regularly take him there. We would often push him the stroller around this beautiful pathway which had been built on a several acre area. On one side of the park there was a very nice playground. On another end of the park there were scenic outlooks which provided incredible views of the Gulf Coast. There was even an elevated platform which could be climbed to see for miles around the Palm Harbor, Florida area. The park and pathways were centered though, around Wall Springs. This little pool of bubbling crystal clear water feeds an equally clear pond which makes its way eventually to a bayou which runs into the ocean. It is a wonderful place that we enjoyed very much. The life was obvious and visible in the clear water with fish of many varieties and Florida wildlife of all kinds abundant in the water of the spring. There are pictures dotting the entire area of people being refreshed in the water in years past when there was a pool house built for recreation in the water prior to its becoming a natural sanctuary for the area wildlife.

There is an abundant fountain, a spring, which flows freely with the water of eternal life, eternal nourishment, eternal refreshment, eternal peace and life!

Speaking to the Samaritan woman at the well, Jesus said, “Jesus answered, ‘Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” (John 4:13-14)

You and I have been created to worship God. It is as natural to the life of our spiritual being as eating and drinking is to the life of our natural bodies! We have only need to come to the fountain of living water – Jesus Christ – to receive the satisfaction for the thirst of our souls. We need only to set aside the worship of all peripheral things in favor of worshipping the only true and Living God who has given us life through Jesus Christ.