To one person who wanted to bury his father before following Jesus, Jesus said, "Let the dead bury their own dead, but you go and proclaim the kingdom of God." (Lk. 9:60)

Doesn’t that sound harsh? Someone’s father just died, and the man can’t even go back to bury his father? Doesn’t sound very compassionate.

But you know what? When there is a Super Bowl game coming up that week, if a player or coach’s parents died, they will probably not go home either to bury their parents, until after the game is over.

In fact, we read about that all the time. The players would say, "My father or my mother would want me to play the game, and then go back home." So, they stay until the game is over.

Even President Obama, when his grandmother died just two days before the election, he did not return home to HI immediately, but waited until after the election was over.

Why? There are some things - just a few things - that are so important and timely, that we really have to put everything else on hold until we take care of that one thing. There are times when that one thing even takes priority over our beloved family members.