“Satisfied Completely!”

The daughter of a New York rabbi tells this story. “My father taught me to read the Bible in Hebrew as a young child. We began at Genesis. When we came to Isaiah, he skipped the fifty-third chapter. I asked him why. He said it was not necessary for Jews to read that chapter. I became more curious. I asked him who it was for and he said Christians. I asked him what the Christian Bible was doing in our Bible. He became angry and told me to keep quiet. I wondered why God would put unnecessary things in the Bible. I copied that fifty-third chapter on paper and carried it in my stocking for two years until I came to America – the free country. I looked at it at night and every chance I could without being seen. I took better care of that paper than people do of money. Through reading this wonderful chapter I was led to accept Christ as my Savior. I was walking in New York one day and heard a lady reading this chapter. She explained that it referred to Jesus Christ. It satisfied me completely.”

----------the Illustrator