Alec Shear has spent the last twenty-five years of his life collecting stuff. He has 6 stars and stripes lunch boxes, 400 transistor radios that look like name brand products, 10,000 match books, and countless other items of vintage Americana.

When his wife divorced him over his obsession, he soon filled the extra bedroom in his apartment with model trains, paper weights, Pyrex glass irons, 1,000 bars of hotel soap, and a pristine Farrah Fawcett make-up centre in its original box.

His apartment has become so jam-packed that he now rents a warehouse to store his stuff. When asked about his unusual hobby he answers, "I believe this stuff is important."

(Source: The Stuffless Soul, 2/3/2002. From a sermon by Steve Smith, "What Does God Require of Me?" 1/31/2009)