As a young teen, I loved to read books from the “Choose Your Own Adventure” series. In the first couple of pages a story would be set up – for example you are going on a hike with your cousins and it begins to storm. But by the end of page three the reader comes to a critical point in the story and has to make a choice – for instance, to get out of the storm will you choose to go into the deserted cabin or the dark cave. The reader makes the choice and turns to the appropriate page and continues reading, then soon enough another choice presents itself. And on and on the story goes until you make a choice that ends your adventure. What I loved about these books was that I could read the same book time and again and rarely ever have the same story. I, as the reader, was in charge of the story and where I would take it.

The gospel of Mark, as it ends in verse 8, is like a Biblical “Choose Your Own Adventure.” As readers and hearers of the gospel, we have heard the same news that Mary Magdalene, Mary the Mother of James and Solome have heard. As readers and hearers of the gospel we have traveled to the tomb and found the stone rolled away and the grave empty. As readers and hearers of this gospel we have received the same command from the young man dressed in white… the command to go and tell the others that Jesus Christ is risen. And then it’s up to us.