So this morning, we are going to try to stimulate different portions of the brain. We are going to have communion. Tactile worship and meditation definitely engage our senses in a way that make God more real. We are going to sing about worshipping in the best times and worst times with a song called “Blessed Be Your Name.” No matter what comes our way like Job we can still praise him

We are going to worship God with an ancient hymn. In fact it is the oldest hymn that we have the music for. It is a song how all of creation worships God so therefore we should too. It is called All Creatures of Our God and King. We are going to remember the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus in “Lord, I Lift Your Name on High.”

We are also going to do some repetitive singing, which we don’t really do. Here we can embrace worship in the moment. It is where we focus on a word or a few words stimulating our brains differently in a form of meditative worship. It allows us to look past the logic of the prefrontal cortex to embrace the heart or affective feelings of being in God’s presence.

Some of you might not like this. It might seem awkward. Worshipping in the fashion sometimes takes practice just like meditation and contemplation. The point is worship the Lord with ALL of our mind and ALL of heart and ALL of our being. So I ask you during these times to let go, open our heart, and allow God’s Spirit to fully join with yours. Close your eyes. Raise your hands. But above worship the Lord with everything you have.

With this in mind, I want to teach you a real easy chorus that we will use in a little bit. The words are: “Let it rain. Let it rain. Open the floodgates of heaven. Let it rain.” It comes from Malachi where we are challenged to bring in the whole tithe to God’s sanctuary. It means give God your full worship and hold nothing back and see if God doesn’t throw open the windows of heaven and pour out His blessing and glory upon His people.