ANTS: Look at ants on an anthill. There they are working, suffering, dying, due for death and destruction. We might feel sorry for them, but we cannot save the ants...We have no way of making them live forever or of stopping their toil and suffering.

What if the only way to save the ants was to become an ant? (This is turning into an Animal Planet programme!)

But we are too different and far too big to identify with or to be an ant. We would have to be made into an ant to save ants.

Yes, it’s the way God dealt with lost, suffering, sinning, hell-bound mankind.

He sent His Son, His only begotten Son the Lord Jesus Christ. He sent Him into this rebellious world of men, this ‘kosmos.’ What for?

To die on a cross, that is, to come to us, to become one of us, unworthy as we are, that whoever believes in Him will shall not perish but have eternal life. Your Substitute, Jesus Christ has come one of us and died in your place!