A Man’s Skin Changes After Being Swallowed by Fish

Dr Harry Rimmer told of a man in 1926 who was swallowed by a fish and spent two days inside the fish and lived to tell the story. He was displayed in London as “the Jonah of the twentieth century.” Dr. Rimmer interviewed him two years later after it had happened, this man didn’t have a hair on his body, and his skin was a yellowish-brown color. You see, the gastric juices of the fish had reacted upon the individual as the fish had tried to digest him.

Those chemicals had an effect upon him, and this is what I believed happened to Jonah. You can imagine the color of Jonah’s skin and you can imagine how he must have looked. When he stopped at a corner and the crowd gathered, they would say, “Brother, what happened to you?” So, if this is the case, which I believe it is, then it’s not difficult to imagine what happened in the city of Nineveh when Jonah preached, if his entire face and body confirmed the remarkable story. The Ninevites would have clear proof that the God who sent Jonah to proclaim, "Yet-forty days and Nineveh shall be overthrown," was a God who kept His word. Hence, the city repented to the last man and the judgment of God was stayed.

From a sermon by Travis Markes, A God of Second Chances, 11/10/2009