Implications for Society if Christ wasn’t Born

Have you ever imagined how does this world look like if Jesus were not born in that manger in Bethlehem around two thousand years ago? No Churches; and definitely no Christian institution of any kind. Red Cross does not exist; World Vision and World Relief are never heard of; the Salvation Army is not even mentioned. All these charitable organizations exist today because it was the first Christians, followers of the risen Lord, who initiated a life of charity. Thalasius, a third century Christian monk, founded the first asylum for the handicap children. He lived in a time when the Spartans killed their children who were born handicap. Apollonius, a third century merchant, founded the first pharmacy, dispensing medicines free of charge. Fabiola, a devoted Christian lady, founded the first hospital. To further mention the top universities, Harvard, Yale and many more, were all founded by people who have firm faith in Jesus Christ – the main character in our Christmas celebrations.

From a sermon by Jofrey Bustamante, Christmas is Coming to Town!, 12/9/2009