Each night when I turn off the study light and stumble blindly towards the bedroom, trying not to wake Julie, who often goes to bed before me, I realize how helpless I am in the darkness. My night vision is hopeless. Kitchen benches, edge of the Pantry and doors seem to deliberately thwart my attempts to find the solace of sleep. The other night I was so disoriented in the darkness, and made so much noise finding the bedroom, bumping into walls and other mystery items that I am sure weren’t there in the daytime, that it would have served me well to have a torch. Julie is in Sydney at the moment and so she doesn’t have to put up with all the noise I make in simply getting to the bedroom without light.

God reminds Pharaoh of the darkness of his soul by sending thick darkness for 3 days. Some have suggested a sandstorm called the Khamsin, since the LXX includes a word for storm. Such sandstorms have the capacity to block out the light, but however the darkness came, it challenged the Egyptian sun god Ra and left Pharaoh and all of Egypt unable to function. Still Pharaoh wants God to compromise and darkness will soon lead to an even more devastating plague.

Lord, don’t let me get to the lowest point of my life before responding to you. Don’t let me presume upon you, or make compromises as I serve You. Father, sometimes I find myself stumbling around in the darkness because I make foolish compromises that only harm my life. Thankyou for Your patience in allowing me the chance to make choices that honour You and inevitably bless others around me. Drive away the locusts of my spiritual life and fill my life with Your light.

God bless you Church as you walk in His light today.