In 1914; Sir Earnest Shackleton, and explorer from England attempted to cross Antarctica. His exploration didn’t go so well though as his ship, “The Endurance,” was caught in the ice pack and slowly crushed as the ice closed in around it. Luckily, Shackleton and his crew managed to make it off the ship and they camped on a drifting iceberg for 5 months. The problem was that the iceberg was drifting into warmer waters and would eventually melt, so Shackleton and his men took the lifeboats they had left and set out. They came to an uninhabited island. Shackleton and five others decided that they would go for help, while 22 remained on the island under the command of Frank Wild.

Month after month, those men waited until they were finally rescued in August of 1916, two years after they had initially set out to cross Antarctica. And the story goes that Frank Wild was the one who kept hope alive in the hearts of those men on the island, and the way he did this was; every morning he would pack up his things in cheerful anticipation of the promised rescue and return of Shackleton. He would say to his men, “Roll up your sleeping bags boys, the boss may come today!”

Paul says that we can encourage one another in a similar way. With the knowledge that the King is coming, despite what you might go through in life, some day, maybe sooner than later, the King is coming. Jesus will return, and we will meet Him in the air, and forever be with Him.