My grandson loves super heroes. He has videos of "Ben Ten" He stands there and with a big voice declares "I am Tahmongasaur!" (I think he means to say "Humongasaur" but you can't correct a three-year-old). Humongousaur is strong enough to bench press a pickup truck. Half man and half dinosaur. I still prefer Spiderman myself (a super hero from my time and still popular) but let's zero in on the super hero thing for a moment.

Recently some of our real super heroes have fallen. Tiger Woods and other sportsman lose popularity when the image is tainted by their sinful behavior. Some of our sporting heroes lose favour because of brawls, or sexual sins and others actually increase in favour as their actions are condoned. Even the mafia used to have it's heroes, and movie stars associated themselves with them. Political leaders also have this super hero image at times, no matter how dictatorial they may be. Saddam Hussain had a tremendous following.

If Nimrod had been around today, he would have had action dolls made in his image. He would have had a following of kids all around the world. And I think Nimrod had something to do with the strange happenings of Genesis 11.