I understand the UPHEAVAL OF MOVING to a different city. Packing endless boxes of books, dismantling beds and throwing out all the junk we have accumulated over time - big job. Then watching a huge truck back into our driveway, and take it all away. We have done all that many times in our lives and more recently when we moved to Sydney from the Whitsundays. But that was just from one state to the next. I can’t imagine moving to a different country. Australia is my home.

I was speaking to an English couple who had moved to Australia recently. They spoke about the trauma of uprooting yourself from your country, your relatives, friends and your home. It extracts a huge chunk of your emotional well-being, which like other household items, has to be packed in a box and left to deal with at the other end of the journey. You’ll deal with it then, but please, not now!

We all know of Abraham and how he moved. Pastor Jack McDonald asked us the other day "WHO KNOWS THE NAME OF ABRAHAM’S FATHER?" I thought it was a trick question at first but only one person seemed to have heard of TERAH.

TERAH! That would be a good name for me at present. I always have to play the bad guy with my grandson. He is always the super hero and I am the one he defeats. I need a name like Terah! It just sounds like the name of a BAD GUY. Either that or a Doris Day song, "HEY TERAH, TERAH". What do you mean you don’t know who Doris Day was? Anyway, Terah was Abraham’s father. And by the way, just for the record, Terah didn’t name his son "Abraham" but "Abram".