A person of no less stature than Ruth Graham, the daughter of a Presbyterian missionary and the wife of a world-famous evangelist, struggled with this idea of a "moment of conversion." She was raised in the faith and knew that she was secure in Christ, and yet she says she can never recall a time when it was not so. There was for her never a moment when it "happened"; it seems to her that she has known Christ as long as she has known anything.

Whether we can point to a moment of conversion in our life or whether we can’t, there is nevertheless a reality to which we can attest. There are times when we "set [our] minds...on things that are on earth," when "whatever" is "in" us is "earthly." There are times when we are clothed, as it were, with "the old self with its practices." I would be surprised if there were anyone present who would deny such a thing. Sometimes we simply do not reflect "the image of [our] creator," even if at some point in time we may have experienced a milestone conversion. The truth is, we may need to be converted not just once, but often.