News flash: I like food! You know -- with a dash of seriousness -- it doesn't take a master chef to see that I've had a love-affair with food for some years. I'm like a lot of Americans; I often eat more than I need in order be "satisfied."

A number of years ago, I went to Weight Watchers and lost 45 lbs; and then I put it back on again. Anyway, the Weight Watchers gurus use to say, "Eat until you're satisfied; then put down your fork." Okay, this was Jason they were talking to.

Lots of us would ask, "What do you mean, eat until you're satisfied?" What they were trying to say was, "Listen to your body. When it tells you you're full--stop eating!" What's interesting though, is the other side of the plate. If we're not eating enough and our tummies are rumbling, then we need to eat some more. In the perfect world, we'd all eat the right amount of food that our bodies need and have good health.