Lynne and I and the family were moving to Tulsa from Missouri and were looking at potential homes. One thing we came across was a house with a 'safe room' or actually only a 'safe closet'. A closet, which served as a coat closet near the front door, was built with steel walls and a steel door that was there in addition to a normal wooden one. The purpose was that in case of a sudden tornado that you could run and squeeze in and protect yourself from the effects of the wind.

Many have built their 'SAFE ROOMS' from God's Spirit. The retreat to their same old arguments or beliefs or attitudes whenever the SPIRIT BLOWS truth and conviction in their direction. The put up a sudden guard of ridicule or criticism and quickly shut the doors around them. If we had spiritual ears we may have heard the sound of many shutting doors this morning, especially in the last few moments.

(From a sermon by Guy McGraw, A Man of the Pharisees Who Finally Saw, 6/22/2011)