Sometimes it’s good for us to get out of our environment to see the glory of God, and to be even more thankful for all he’s done and given, for that which he is doing now, and forevermore will do for all of creation.

Going on vacation last weekend t refreshed my soul. It gave me the opportunity to experience God’s glory in new ways. The drive out, and home, was so beautiful. There was hardly a cloud in the sky the entire weekend — for the exception of a few wispy ones here-or-there.

As we drove west Friday, I marveled at the terrain. I was amazed at the seemingly endless, farm fields near Moses Lake, and the high desert from there on. At First, at least to me, that area seemed dry, desolate, and somewhat ugly. However, the more I gazed out my window, I thought about the beauty of God’s creation in its vast landscape.

I continued to marvel as we rolled further west and into Cascades. The towering rocks and the vast, green forests, that went on-and-one for as far as the eye could see, testify to the Glory of God. Then two hours later, we descended into Seattle, and glimpsed the Puget Sound. The sight of the Sound transported my mind to twenty years ago when I sailed the oceans and looked out onto and endless horizon of blue water and amazing skies.

The whole weekend — all that we did, took in, and experienced — testified to God’s glory, and why I am so thankful to be called a child of God through his only Son, Jesus Christ.