What do you do when you are faced with a disaster that strikes home at your heart? Do you respond or do you try to blame others? Do you ignore it? Pretend it’s just a story?

Nehemiah finds out how bad the city of Jerusalem is from a recent news report. It perplexes him and weighs on his heart. It was as if someone punched him in the stomach when he got the bad news about his beloved home town.

How do you feel when disaster hits close to home – how do you respond?

Do you run to God? Do you pray to Him and look to Him for support and encouragement? Do you praise Him and recall His promises in that moment or do you shut Him out and lock Him out of your heart?

Do you curse Him and blame God for the disaster?

Nehemiah did not instead he cried out to God and a divine burden was placed in his heart to go restore the city’s walls and gates.