On November 15, 1993, 71-year-old Dr. Tom Amberry stepped up to the line in a local gymnasium and sunk 2,750 free throws in a row. He walked away without a miss--they were closing the gym and asked him to leave.

This amazing feat, which took 12 hours to accomplish, was witnessed by 10 people who submitted sworn affidavits to the Guinness Book of Records. The record was accepted by Guinness and he is now listed as the greatest free throw shooter of all time.

Dr. Tom, at age 81, coaches college and high school players and even the Chicago Bulls professional basketball players. He has had "shoot outs" against NBA players and has never lost. He has appeared on many local and national TV shows including "David Letterman" and "NBC Nightly News."

So, what's his secret? Dr. Tom said, "Focus and concentration, when I'm shooting a free throw, I don't think of anything else. I am 100% positive I will make the basket. Never have a negative thought on the free throw line."

The problem with Noah's generation is the same as our generation - a lack of focus upon that which is right.