When we lived in Poland, I walked through one of the cemeteries in one of the cities. And as I was looking at the stones I was surprised to see many of the smooth stones scarred with a roughness right in the middle. Later I found out that the names had been gouged out because they were German - they had erased the stone. Because of the war, people wanted nothing to remind themselves of the terrible Nazi regime. A little later I noticed also many of the monuments had also been "erased" from any Russian language or red stars. Now that Poland is free from the oppression of communism, people want nothing to remind them of this terrible time of persecution. No one wants to admire something so terrible from the past that was so destructive to their country.

On the Day Jesus returns, I'm afraid he will have a lot of erasing to do. I don't say this with joy or with satisfaction but with great sadness. Whoever is not covered by the righteousness of Christ will be erased from God's book of life, forever. God not only will not but he CANNOT allow any impurity into heaven, he can't allow sin, he can't stand to even look at sin.