There was a little Canadian bird who decided not to fly south for the winter. "If other animals can stay," he reasoned, "why can't I?" Against the better advice of his elders, the little bird stubbornly decided to stay.

Very soon, however, he realized his mistake. The winter cold arrived with such force that the little bird had to fly south. But things didn't turn out well. During the flight, a freezing rain began to fall, and the little bird's wings started to freeze. A moment later, the little bird crashed into a grain elevator.

No sooner had the little bird fallen down to the ground, when a cow emptied her intestines all over him. Disgusted, he complained, "This is all I need! I’m freezing to death in this strange place, and now this!" He was resigned to die, when after several minutes, he discovered that his body was warming. The heat of the manure was melting his frozen wings, and the little bird began singing with happiness.

What the little bird didn’t imagine was that his song would attract the local farm cat, “Isn’t that the song of a little bird?” asked the cat, surprised, “I thought all of them had flown south.” The cat went to confirm his suspicions, and sure enough, there was the little bird! The cat carefully cleaned the cow manure off the little bird, and then he ate it.