What’s in a name? Well EVERYTHING…if the Almighty is the person, who is naming you even before your birth. In fact, we do not have to go beyond the NAME of the JESUS (meaning Saviour-Matt 1:21) to get the crux of the Christmas message. He was born to save sinners from their sin. Well, who is a Sinner? Let the Scripture answer…

“For everyone has sinned; we all fall short of God’s glorious standard.” – Romans 3:23 …does the word “we” include even respectable people of the society…the Presidents, Prime-minters, the Kings and the Queens. YES!!! For all of us inherit the fallen Adamic nature at birth (Romans 5:12). Does anyone at home or school teach us how to lie or steal in childhood? We DO NOT pick-up those traits, rather the innate sinfulness manifests itself naturally in due time, once we are conceived in our mother’s womb. The propensity to sin is in our DNA, so to speak. Consider this humorous story…

A concerned father (a nominal Christian with no born again experience) whose full name was James John Peter Paul – they called him JJPP--admonished his crying son once who was at the receiving end of his teacher’s punishment in the school for stealing an eraser of his benchmate. "Son, you have spoiled your family’s & your Papa’s image?’ He reflected & went on …’What would they say, in the Church, if they know of this? Where was the need for you to steal an eraser of your friend? You should have told me about your need & straightaway I would have brought a handful of them free… from my office’. So much, for living up to your name! Instead of JJPP, his nickname ought to have been SFA (Son of Fallen Adam). Only Jesus lived up to His Name in entire History.