These six things the LORD hates, Yes, seven are an abomination to Him:

A proud look, A lying tongue, Hands that shed innocent blood,

A heart that devises wicked plans, Feet that are swift in running to evil,

A false witness who speaks lies, And one who sows discord among brethren. Proverbs 6:16-19 (NKJV)

Pride is the most devastating of all sins because all sins come from it. Again, envy is it’s twin; it works like this:

I think that I’m better than you, and I want what you have so I’ll put myself ahead of you and take what I want.

What are the most used of all of the words in the last statement? I and me. Who’s the three most important people to a prideful person? Me, Myself and I.

Now let’s look at how pride can be found as the root cause of each and every sin:

Eve: Wanting to become like God. Result: Rebellion against Adam and against God.

Cain and Abel-- jealousy; Result: murder

David and Bathsheba --adultery; Results: conspiracy and murder

Nebuchadnezzar-- Pride and self worship; Results: insane anger, into forcing worship of himself onto others; the Babylonian king goes insane

Jonah-- Fierce hatred of the Ninevites, thinking himself better. Result: rebellion against God, all culminating in a big pity party at the edge of town. Almost like Dr. Smith from the old Lost in Space TV show--Pity me, Pity me!

Ananias and Sapphira-- Puffed up pride, but held back money from God that was promised, thus lying to God. Result: Death.

Apostle Paul-- Pride because of gifts from God. Result: God gave Paul a "thorn in the flesh", a messenger from Satan to buffet him. More than likely an eye ailment. In this case, this judgment from God kept Paul from being proud.

Let’s look at a few sins and see how pride is at the root of each one:

Adultery-- selfish, self-centered. I want someone else at the expense of my spouse and kids. Again, it’s me, me, me.

Fornication (sex outside of marriage)--in direct contradiction to God, and against the family unit God has intended; all because it "feels good". Result--sexually transmitted diseases, broken fellowship with God, and a desensitization of moral right and moral wrong.

Greed, materialism-- I want, I want, Gimme gimme, gimme.

Hatred-- Thumbing our noses at God when we hate, because we are commanded to love. We forget too soon that we were once unlovable but God loved us enough to save us anyway.

Coveting and Envy-- Wanting what others have or wanting the same talents that others have. Result is stepping on people to get what you want.