Here, I want to share the “effect of aroma” of Hudson Taylor’s pioneering Evangelistic Ministry in China, even after his ministry had ended therein. Long after he had died, in order to tarnish his image the ruling Chinese communist government appointed a Special officer. His mission? To tour all the places, where this seemingly devout soul had ploughed the lonely furrow and examine all the related records available of his ministry, with a magnifying glass as it were to detect “irregularities” therein and then publish a report to the Government, which in turn would duly publish the same in the National Newspaper. So off went this Special Officer on this “classified assignment” to detect irregularities in the way this pioneer missionary to China went about his ministry. So what did this special officer find? Place after place… in only increasing measure the evidence of Hudson’s Taylor sacrificial commitment to Christ borne out of his great love for his Redeemer!!! The result of it all? This Special Govt-deputed Officer was so moved and touched by Hudson Taylor’s ministry that he surrendered his life to Christ. Talk of Prophet Elisha’s dead bones bringing a deceased man to life (2 Kings 13:20-21)…

Ah speaking of aroma, doesn’t the account of adoring Mary coming up with an adorable act of anointing the Lord with a very costly ointment come to mind? Yes it does. While on the subject of scents, let me tell you the scents market is a very competitive one. So it is not all a surprise to see one fragrance manufacturer after the other blowing his own trumpet about his brand frequently. Some years back, I vividly recall one advertisement of a scent manufacturer claiming that the fragrance of his brand would last for THREE FULL DAYS. You guessed it…his competitor would come up with one more ad…claiming that fragrance of his brand would last for FOUR OR FIVE DAYS.

Now what about Mary’s “ministry” of anointing the Lord with a heart overflowing with love for Her Saviour? What about the fragrance of that costly spikenard, she used -primarily moved by unbridled devotion for the Master- in anointing Him. WELL, THE SWEET FRAGRANCE IS STILL EMANATING FROM THAT BOTTLE OF SPIKENARD EVEN AFTER 2000 YEARS.