“Pastor, please pray for the transfer of my colleague in my department” pleaded a Christian Bank Officer “for this colleague of mine is one big pain in my neck”, he added petulantly. Pastor nodded but did not pray. A month later “Pastor” groaned the same officer ” my thorn in the flesh, my colleague still remains in my department, if he is not transferred from my department it is OK, but please pray atleast that I should get transferred from that department”. The wise Pastor nodded again but did not pray. In the third month, came the troubled Christian officer finally with this far-sighted plea “Pastor, I do not know why your prayers’ are not being answered. If my irksome colleague and I will have to live together, please pray at least that I should develop Christ-like patience to tolerate him”. “Hallelujah” exclaimed the Pastor. By the way, Pastor is not the only intermediary for prayers, we need to pray ourselves too (James 5:13).