David Wheeler tells of a funeral procession that illustrates a leader’s influence. David officiated at a funeral. In accordance with custom, after the funeral, the attenders filed out of the funeral home and into their waiting cars to form a processional to the cemetery. The hearse led the processional, followed immediately by David the preacher, then all the deceased’s family and friends. During the drive to the cemetery David needed to stop at a restroom. He could not wait much longer, and, even if he did try to wait, few cemeteries have public restrooms available. So, as the processional came upon an old, abandoned roadside picnic area that included an outhouse, David veered into the picnic area to use the outhouse. He assumed the remainder of the processional would follow the hearse to the cemetery, then he would catch up. He assumed incorrectly. When he emerged from the outhouse, he discovered the long line of cars patiently waiting!

People follow leaders. Churches must ask before placing people into leadership, where will this person lead others? Will he lead them to the Cross or to an outhouse?