Julian Silva tells the story of working in a Volunteer Corp’s Chaplain Office in Frankfurt, Germany where he met a German named, Carl Scholtz. During WW II, Carl served as a Nazi soldier but not believing in what he was doing, he tried to desert. He failed in his attempt, was captured and thrown into prison. Accused as a deserter, he was sentenced to die before a firing squad along with another man. When the day came, both were marched to the outskirts of town to be executed. But unbeknownst to Carl, the orders were for all the rifles to be turned to his colleague in the last minute, letting Carl live. When the rifles fired, Carl fell to the ground in shock. They picked him up and placed him back in prison. Months passed and when the war finally ended, he was set free. He didn't have any place to go so he wandered from one war torn village to another, sleeping in bombed out buildings and drinking more and more to numb the pain. His last hope was his mother but then he discovered that she was trapped in East Germany and then was shot trying to escape to the West. Upon hearing this news, he felt his last hope depart. He wandered to a nearby river with the intent to throw himself in to end his pain. As he was about to jump, he was stopped by singing which coming from a nearby wooden building. He heard:

‘When Jesus comes, the tempter’s power is broken

When Jesus comes, the tears are wiped away

He takes the gloom and fills the life with glory

For all is changed when Jesus comes to stay’

Hearing these words, he moved closer to the building and peered in the door wanting to hear more. He heard the story of God’s wondrous love for him and how His only son had died on the cross so that he could have life and have it abundantly. Then the missionary preacher said, ‘Christ says, Come to me all who are heavy laiden and I will give you rest.” And Carl came forward and knelt at the alter saying, ‘If there was anyone burdened, it was me. I am tired of this life I am living. And that night, he went to the altar and said, “Lord, if it’s true that you can change the worst sinner…change me. If it’s true you can give rest, give it to me. And if it’s true you can straighten out the most twisted life, straighten out mine.” And when Carl got up from that altar, he was a new person. Because Christ saved him, Carl became a preacher and brought countless others to Christ with his testimony of what Christ can do. And that same grace and forgiveness offered to Carl is available to you.