Sermon Series

  • 1. Setting The Stage

    Contributed on Mar 18, 2019

    In order to understand Paul’s correspondence we need to comprehend the setting

    An Introduction to the Study On I & II Corinthians The letters of I & II Corinthians provide great insight for the modern day church. Down through my years of ministry I have preached from these two books on several occasions. At times I have done a series of sermons. Other times I more

  • 2. The Identity Of The Saints

    Contributed on Mar 18, 2019

    In this text Paul identifies himself (an apostle of Christ). He also identifies the saints.

    THE IDENTITY OF THE SAINTS I CORINTHIANS 1:1-9 INTRODUCTION: D.R. Davies, In Search of Myself, said, “I found myself in finding God. What I was searching for was my own identity, and without knowing it, my search was for God.” We don’t really find our identity until we find it in the God who more

  • 3. The First Church Of The Hatfields And Mccoys

    Contributed on Mar 18, 2019

    In the church at Corinth they were feudin’ and fightin’, stewin’ and suein’. So much so that Paul wrote a letter telling the congregation how to deal with their “family feud”. What do you say to the first church of the Hatfields and McCoys?

    THE FIRST CHURCH OF THE HATFIELDS AND McCOYS 1 CORINTHIANS 1:10-2:5 Introduction: You remember the Hatfields and McCoys don’t you? In 2002 they went back to a Pikeville, KY courtroom. This time it was to settle a dispute over a cemetery plot and property rights. Some “feudin” seems to never more

  • 4. Divisions In The Church

    Contributed on Mar 19, 2019

    Paul strongly, yet tenderly, appeals for unity in the church at Corinth. They were not only “saints” they were also brothers (members of the same family).

    DIVISIONS IN THE CHURCH I CORINTHIANS 1:10-17 INTRODUCTION: Paul strongly, yet tenderly, appeals for unity in the church at Corinth. They were not only “saints” they were also brothers (members of the same family). One of the finest tributes paid to the church in Jerusalem was that they were more

  • 5. Top Of The Charts

    Contributed on Mar 19, 2019

    With so many people listening to something different there is no one “at the top of the charts” because there are so many charts. That prompts me to ask, who’s at the top of your chart?

    TOP OF THE CHARTS I CORINTHIANS 1:10-18 INTRODUCTION: Wolfman Jack, Casey Cassum, Dick Clark, Rolling Stones Magazine. What’s this all about? Music’s top 40! It used to be pretty easy to keep up with what songs were at the top of the charts, but now with so many different genres of music the more

  • 6. The Cross Versus The New Age

    Contributed on Mar 19, 2019

    “Old gods never die, they just come back in new clothing.” The “old gods” Paul dealt with in his day are back!

    THE CROSS VERSUS THE NEW AGE I CORINTHIANS 1:18-31 INTRODUCTION: “Old gods never die, they just come back in new clothing.” The “old gods” Paul dealt with in his day are back! I simply call them the “new age” gods. What am I driving at? Look at this text and note the following. I. The more

  • 7. Up! Up! And Away

    Contributed on Mar 19, 2019

    The church at Corinth was gifted, guided and graced. As a result she should have been sailing, soaring and sharing. Instead she was stifled, stymied and snared.

    UP! UP! AND AWAY I CORINTHIANS 2:6-4:21 INTRODUCTION: The church at Corinth was gifted, guided and graced. As a result she should have been sailing, soaring and sharing. Instead she was stifled, stymied and snared. She was concerned with glamour, glitz and glory and that’s the reason she was more

  • 8. Natural, Spiritual, Or Carnal?

    Contributed on Mar 19, 2019

    If I asked you to line up with one of these particular groups, with which group would you stand? You say, “I don’t even know what they all mean.” Well then, let me explain.

    NATURAL? SPIRITUAL? OR CARNAL? I CORINTHIANS 2:11-3:6 INTRODUCTION: If I asked you to line up with one of these particular groups, with which group would you stand? You say, “I don’t even know what they all mean.” Well then, let me explain. I The Natural Man – Dead See 2:14. Look at the more

  • 9. The Magnification Of Classification

    Contributed on Mar 19, 2019

    We live in a day of classifications. It is done from the military to the school system to denominations. Classification is important. It is the starting point in our understanding of the journey of faith.

    THE MAGNIFICATION OF CLASSIFICATION I CORINTHIANS 2:14-3:1 INTRODUCTION: We live in a day of classifications. It is done from the military to the school system to denominations. Classification is important. It is the starting point in our understanding of the journey of faith. You can’t get more

  • 10. The Faithful Steward

    Contributed on Mar 19, 2019

    Do you know who you are? If you are a child of God you are a steward!

    THE FAITHFUL STEWARD I CORINTHIANS 4:2 INTRODUCTION: In the work Death of a Salesman Willie Lohman dies. His family looks down into the open grave and his son says, “He never knew who he was.” Do you know who you are? If you are a child of God you are a steward! Look at some words in this more

  • 11. The Faithful Steward (2)

    Contributed on Mar 19, 2019

    Here are some more thoughts on the subject of stewardship.

    THE FAITHFUL STEWARD I CORINTHIANS 4:2 INTRODUCTION: Here are some more thoughts on the subject of stewardship. Consider some words. “Epitropos” = manager, foreman. “Oikonomos” = “oiko” = house. “Nomos” = law. The law or management of household affairs. The faithful steward is: I. more

  • 12. An Education In Ethics

    Contributed on Mar 19, 2019

    When it comes to church ethics God sets the standards. He calls us to proper behavior, right living and Godly conduct.

    AN EDUCATION IN ETHICS I CORINTHIANS 5-7 INTRODUCTION: The word “ethical” is foreign to some church people and some preachers! Ethics = conforming to the standards of conduct of a given profession or group. When it comes to church ethics God sets the standards. He calls us to proper behavior, more

  • 13. Dealing With Immorality In The Church

    Contributed on Mar 19, 2019

    Paul has already dealt with divisions in the church. Now he has to deal with the issue of immorality. Many were being seduced by “the spirit of the age”. Note what Paul has to say. It is still a timely word for us today.

    DEALING WITH IMMORALITY IN THE CHURCH I CORINTHIANS 5:1-13 INTRODUCTION: Needless to say we live in a sexually saturated society. As far back as April 15, 1993 USA Today reported that the average American man under age 40 has had seven sexual partners in his life. Paul has already dealt with more

  • 14. Queen Corinth And Her Court

    Contributed on Mar 19, 2019

    ? It concerns division in the church with regards to litigation. Jesus said the world will know we are His disciples by love not lawsuits! Here’s yet another problem Paul encounters.

    QUEEN CORINTH AND HER COURT I CORINTHIANS 6:1-11 INTRODUCTION: This passage really has nothing to do with a beauty pageant. If it did you would be wondering how such “ugly” got to the throne! Then what’s it all about? It concerns division in the church with regards to litigation. Jesus said more

  • 15. The Case For Moral Purity

    Contributed on Mar 19, 2019

    Some people in Corinth had misconstrued Paul’s message about Christian liberty.

    THE CASE FOR MORAL PURITY I CORINTHIANS 6:12-20 INTRODUCTION: Some people in Corinth had misconstrued Paul’s message about Christian liberty. They concluded that because they were free in Christ they could express their sexuality in any form. Sound anything like today? Paul writes to them more

  • 16. Talking Sex With The Apostle Paul?

    Contributed on Mar 19, 2019

    In this text Paul addresses the subject of marriage and sex.

    TALKING SEX! WITH THE APOSTLE PAUL? I CORINTHIANS 7:1-9 INTRODUCTION: Dr. Drew. Dr. Ruth. Dr. Sue. Dr. Phil. They’re all talking about it. Everybody is. What? Sex! Don’t you think it’s time the Christian/church started talking it? Why should the church talk about it? Because God had a more

  • 17. A Sermon For Singles

    Contributed on Mar 19, 2019

    Paul endorses the single life as a viable option. Keep in mind that when Paul wrote these words he had the return of Christ in mind.

    A SERMON FOR SINGLES I CORINTHIANS 7:25-40 INTRODUCTION: This passage brings us to the problems of those who are not married. Paul endorses the single life as a viable option. Keep in mind that when Paul wrote these words he had the return of Christ in mind. In a day when being single is more

  • 18. Christian Liberty

    Contributed on Mar 19, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    : Through the first seven chapters of this book Paul has advised the church to: 1) Fix their focus; 2) Forgo their feuding; 3) Face up to their foolishness and; 4) Forsake their filthiness. Now he tells them to: 5) Figure out their freedom.

    CHRISTIAN LIBERTY I CORINTHIANS 8: 1-13 INTRODUCTION: Through the first seven chapters of this book Paul has advised the church to: 1) Fix their focus; 2) Forgo their feuding; 3) Face up to their foolishness and; 4) Forsake their filthiness. Now he tells them to: 5) Figure out their more

  • 19. Five Ingredients Of A Successful Christian Race

    Contributed on Mar 19, 2019
    based on 2 ratings

    Living a life of victory and success is not by accident. It requires diligence and effort! Paul gives us five ingredients to achieve a successful life and win the gold (crown).

    FIVE INGREDIENTS OF A SUCCESSFUL CHRISTIAN RACE I CORINTHIANS 9:18-27 INTRODUCTION: I’m indebted to my dear friend Bro. Truman Kimbrough for this outline and idea. Living a life of victory and success is not by accident. It requires diligence and effort! Paul gives us five ingredients to more

  • 20. Pee Wee Paul's Big Adventure

    Contributed on Mar 19, 2019

    How can you follow Jesus and not be on an adventure? Let’s consider some things here.

    PEE WEE PAUL’S BIG ADVENTURE! I CORINTHIANS 9:24-27 INTRODUCTION: For some of you who don’t know this is a take-off on Pee Wee Herman’s Big Adventure. Out west where the back roads can get pretty muddy and they dry up to be pretty “rutty” (is that a word?) there’s a posted sign that reads more

  • 21. The Unfinished Task - Loving The Lost

    Contributed on Mar 19, 2019

    There was no greater example, outside of Christ, of one who sought and loved the lost anymore than Paul. He gave himself to the work of the kingdom.

    THE UNFINISHED TASK – LOVING THE LOST I CORINTHIANS 9:22 INTRODUCTION: This was the 1999 theme for the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering for Foreign Missions. The major headings of the outline were taken from the IMB. There was no greater example, outside of Christ, of one who sought and loved more

  • 22. Losing Our Unction

    Contributed on Mar 19, 2019

    One of Satan’s aims is to trip up God’s child so that we lose our power (unction), witness, etc… To illustrate this point Paul presents an O.T. study. It’s the story of God’s own nation. They serve as an example (warning) (v.6, 11).

    LOSING OUR UNCTION I CORINTHIANS 10:1-13 INTRODUCTION: “Unction” = anointing. Fervency in speaking or behaving. Persuasion. See 9:27. What was Paul fearful of? Not losing his salvation, but his unction = divine authority/power/persuasion/influence! If that left him he would have nothing more

  • 23. Facing Temptation

    Contributed on Mar 19, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    Oftentimes we easily yield to temptation. It is only those who wholly lean upon God who become more than conquerors.

    FACING TEMPTATION I CORINTHIANS 10:13 INTRODUCTION: None of us know what stuff we are made of until we are tested and tried. Many think themselves to be strong, even perfect. Don’t think that way! Sin may be dead but it “ain’t” buried yet. Oftentimes we easily yield to temptation. It is more

  • 24. Christian Worship

    Contributed on Mar 19, 2019

    . In four chapters (11-14) there are three issues greatly affecting the family. All of them centered around their worship practices. It’s not about “me”, but “us”! Concerning the church and worship what should we know and do?

    CHRISTIAN WORSHIP 1 CORINTHIANS 11-14 INTRODUCTION: If you want a little overview of Paul’s letter up to now consider this. Fix your focus. Forego your feuding. Face up to your foolishness. Forsake your filthiness. Figure out your freedom. Here it is function as a family. In four chapters more

  • 25. Exam Time

    Contributed on Mar 19, 2019

    In Paul’s day the early church met in homes and had a meal (agape feasts) that was followed by the Lord’s Supper. One of the many problems in the church was the abuse of this event. Paul had a word of rebuke for them.

    EXAM TIME I CORINTHIANS 11: 17-28 INTRODUCTION: Exam time can be pretty intense. As we prepare for that moment we can get pretty anxious. This passage concerns the observance of the Lord’s Supper. A key verse is “v.28”. In Paul’s day the early church met in homes and had a meal (agape more

  • 26. The Savior - Supper - Symbol

    Contributed on Mar 19, 2019

    Before Jesus Ascended He left us with a picture of His atoning work on the cross. We call it the Lord’s Supper. It is a service in which we remember the most important act Jesus did for us. Note the three fundamental truths this event teaches us.

    THE SAVIOUR – SUPPER – SYMBOL I CORINTHIANS 11:23-26 INTRODUCTION: Some people see only the facts but they never see the meaning behind the facts. They only see the literal, never the symbolic. Yet Jesus often times spoke in symbols (door, light, bread). He used many symbols to speak of the more

  • 27. Until He Comes

    Contributed on Mar 19, 2019

    The Christ who died and rose again will come again.

    UNTIL HE COMES I CORINTHIANS 11:23-26 INTRODUCTION: The Christ who died and rose again will come again. John 14:1-3; Acts 1:11; I Thess. 4:13-18. Until He comes there is: I. The Meeting of the Christians We have an obligation. Why do we do this? A. Remember His Death B. Rededicate Our more

  • 28. The Body Of Christ

    Contributed on Mar 19, 2019

    The church is not a building, place or street address. It is not just an organization. The church is an “organism”.

    THE BODY OF CHRIST I CORINTHIANS 12 INTRODUCTION: There are different figures of speech used to describe the nature and function of the church. One is “the body of Christ.” The church is not a building, place or street address. It is not just an organization. The church is an “organism”. more

  • 29. God's Gifted Children

    Contributed on Mar 19, 2019

    You are a gifted child! I’m not talking about skill or talent, but a spiritual gift. This is a supernatural gift, a special gift given by God to empower us for service in the body of Christ.

    GOD’S GIFTED CHILDREN I CORINTHIANS 12:1 INTRODUCTION: You are a gifted child! I’m not talking about skill or talent, but a spiritual gift. This is a supernatural gift, a special gift given by God to empower us for service in the body of Christ. Note five things. I. The References We need more

  • 30. Now About Spiritual Gifts

    Contributed on Mar 19, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    Spiritual gifts are good. But like anything else they can be abused and misused.

    NOW ABOUT SPIRITUAL GIFTS I CORINTHIANS 12:1-11 INTRODUCTION: Spiritual gifts are good. But like anything else they can be abused and misused. See 1:4-7 – they were gifted. But the blessing had become a blight. In Chs. 12-14 Paul has to deal with another issue in the church (bless the poor more