Sermon Series
  • 1. We Are Held Secure By God

    Contributed on Aug 5, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    Many people try to find security in many different areas of life, some try to find it in a good job, others try to find it in a family name or heritage, and still even some try to find it off of the fortunes and work of others. However in all these things

    We are held Secure by God Am June 28th 2008 1 Peter 1:1-2 Introduction Many people try to find security in many different areas of life, some try to find it in a good job, others try to find it in a family name or heritage, and still even some try to find it off of the fortunes and work of more

  • 2. We Have A Living Hope!

    Contributed on Aug 5, 2008
    based on 14 ratings

    The apostle Peter in this passage will speak of the great hope of all believer’s.

    We have a Living Hope! 1 Peter 1:3-5 Introduction To a church that is being severely persecuted for being a follower of Jesus Christ, not only do they need to know that they are held secure by God in there day to day lives no matter how bad life gets, but they also need to know that there is more

  • 3. What Is The Truth About Trials And Temptations?

    Contributed on Aug 5, 2008
    based on 7 ratings

    Today from this passage the Apostle Peter is going to tell us the truth about trials and temptations.

    What is the Truth about Trials and Temptations? Am service July 13th 2008 1 Peter 1:6-9 Introduction As I began preparing this message I began to really think deep into the thought the “Truth about Trials and Temptations”, and I thought this about life. Life should come with a list of more

  • 4. The Wonder Of Our Great Salvation

    Contributed on Oct 23, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    Are you amazed by your salvation, so often we are guilty of taking it for granted? The apostle Peter in writing to these persecuted believers who has we have seen are scattered throughout five Roman provinces, wants them to understand how great this salva

    The Wonder of Our Great Salvation 1 Peter 1:10-12 Introduction A man accompanied his friend home for dinner and was impressed by the way he entered his house, asked his wife how her day went, and told her she looked pretty. Then, after they embraced, she served dinner. After they ate, more

  • 5. How Do I Live In The Face Of Trials And Temptations.

    Contributed on Oct 23, 2008

    So today through this passage we will learn “How do I live my life in the face of trials and temptations. What is that we need to focus on in this life, I love the word of God because it really is a living word, I know that so many of us need to regain ou

    How do I live in the face of Trials and Temptations. 1 Peter 1:13-16 Introduction In this passage of scripture the apostle Peter takes a turn under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Remember: the believers were suffering terrible persecution. They had lost their homes, property, money, more

  • 6. Why Should I Live My Life In Fear And Reverence Of God?

    Contributed on Oct 23, 2008
    based on 16 ratings

    The Apostle Peter in this passage is reminding those believers to whom he is writing to be sure live there lives in fear and reverence of God; likewise we will also today learn that same lesson.

    Why Should I live My life in Fear and Reverence of God? 1 Peter 1:17-21 Introduction Too many Christians of our day seem to be totally unconcerned with the need to be “conformed to the image of Christ” as Romans 8: 29 speaks of. Rather, they seem to think that they can live pretty much as more

  • 7. Why Should We Love One Another?

    Contributed on Oct 23, 2008
    based on 10 ratings

    We will learn today that there can be no mistake about the importance of love, remember this was written to a people who were severely persecuted for there faith, they were on the run, running for there lives, it is vitally important that true love exists

    Why Should we Love One another? 1 Peter 1:22-25 Introduction There is no greater force than love. If two people truly love each other, they will do anything for each other. There is no greater bond on earth than true love. This is especially true for believers. Why? Is there a difference more

  • 8. What Are We Craving?

    Contributed on Oct 23, 2008
    based on 5 ratings

    What do you do when you feel stuck because you don’t have the kind of spiritual desires that you should, then for the believer there are some things that you can do to ensure spiritual growth. We will learn three things today about my growing spiritually.

    What are we Craving? Am service August 17th 2008 1 Peter 2:1-3 Introduction A great threat to spiritual growth is what is known as spiritual fatalism -- the belief or feeling that you are stuck with the way you are -- "this is all I will ever experience of God -- the level of spiritual more

  • 9. Come To The Living Stone.

    Contributed on Oct 23, 2008
    based on 8 ratings

    Today we want to look at another stone the bible describes as a Living Stone. In this passage that we will consider today the apostle Peter in writing to this group of people who are severely persecuted wants to remind them and us as well we need to check

    Come to the Living Stone. 1 Peter 2:4-8 Introduction The Bible is full of stories about stones: Jacob used a stone as a pillow, Joshua set up memorial stones, David chose 5 smooth stones to fight Goliath, Elijah took 12 stones to build an altar. Today we want to look another stone the more

  • 10. Who Am I, And What Is My Purpose?

    Contributed on Oct 23, 2008
    based on 8 ratings

    Well today through this passage of scripture, my prayer is that you may be encouraged, and then take it and apply it to your life and leave with a different outlook on your life, after you find out who you are, and what your purpose is.

    Who am I, and what is my Purpose? Am service August 31st 2008 1 Peter 2:9-10 Introduction A beggar lived near the king’s palace. One day he saw a proclamation posted outside the palace gate. The king was giving a great dinner. Anyone dressed in royal garments are welcome. The beggar went more

  • 11. Why Should We Live A Godly Life?

    Contributed on Oct 23, 2008
    based on 25 ratings

    Today from this passage of scripture the apostle Peter will outline for us in a very passionate plea to live a Godly life, and from this passage will see three reasons why we should live a Godly life.

    Why Should we live a Godly Life? 1 Peter 2:11-12 Introduction We live in a day and time when the flesh or the sinful nature is exalted and evil desires are honored. In our day and time a person’s value or worth and image are so often determined by how they posses, by how much money they more

  • 12. Being Submissive In Days Of Rebellion

    Contributed on Oct 23, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    In the passage we will be covering this morning, Peter talks about submission to government, submission to employers, submission in marriage, and submission to other Christians. The thing that we must remember as Peter writes this passage, he is writing

    Being Submissive in Days of Rebellion 1 Peter 2:13-3:12 Introduction The word “submit” is the key to this section. This word is very closely related to the word “humility.” To submit requires humility. Today we are living in days of pride and rebellion. In his book “Strong willed Child” more

  • 13. Take A Stand For Christ With Your Life!

    Contributed on Oct 23, 2008
    based on 25 ratings

    Today from this passage Peter will outline five key principles that should characterize our lives as we respond to a hostile world and take a stand for Christ.

    Take a Stand for Christ with your life! 1 Peter 3:13-17 Introduction I read yesterday that there is a theory that has been around for some time now about “How to boil a live frog”. The theory states that you can boil a live frog in a pot of water, if the water is heated slowly enough — more

  • 14. Understanding The Death And Triumph Of Christ

    Contributed on Oct 23, 2008
    based on 5 ratings

    This is a great passage on the salvation brought about by the death of Jesus Christ. It is also an interesting passage in that it gives us some glimpse into what Jesus Christ was doing while he was dead, that is, between His crucifixion and resurrection.

    Understanding the Death and Triumph of Christ 1 Peter 3:18-22 Introduction In Mel Gibson’s Movie, “The Passion of Christ” there is an obscure detail in the crucifixion scene that probably goes unnoticed by most people, but it is a detail that says so much. When Jesus is being placed on more

  • 15. We Must Arm Ourselves For Battle!

    Contributed on Oct 23, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    The apostle Peter provides us as believers with four perspectives motivating us to be strong when living out our Christian lives.

    We must Arm Ourselves for battle! 1 Peter 4:1-6 Introduction I read this news article on the internet as I was preparing this sermon this is exactly what the article read: When 53-year-old Danny Anderson was feeding his horses Monday night, a 5-foot rattler slithered onto his central more

  • 16. Live Like There Is No Tomorrow!

    Contributed on Oct 23, 2008
    based on 7 ratings

    How can we live like there is no tomorrow? Today the apostle Peter is going to answer that question by reminding us to keep doing four things to be sure that we won’t be ashamed when the end does come.

    Live like there is no tomorrow! Am October 19th 2008 1 Peter 4:7-11 Introduction Some years ago Willie Day Smith, a Dallas radio preacher, made a startling announcement: the rapture was to occur on April 1, 1980, around two o’clock in the afternoon. Smith was quoted as saying: “Things are more

  • 17. How Can I Rejoice While Suffering?

    Contributed on Nov 24, 2008
    based on 5 ratings

    Peter is going to challenge us to keep five important facts in mind as they pertain to rejoicing while suffering. We will answer the question today, “How can I rejoice while suffering?”

    How can I rejoice while Suffering? 1 Peter 4:12-19 Introduction Dr. Adrian Rogers has said that “A faith not worth testing is a faith that is not worth trusting.” It is a simple fact that no one is immune from pain and suffering in this life. Whether we are rich or poor, educated or more

  • 18. How Can I Help My Church?

    Contributed on Nov 24, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    Today from this passage in the book of 1 Peter we want to take this passage and apply it to a larger theme of servant-hood, and answer the question “How can I help my Church?” this is a message on serving.

    How can I help My Church? 1 Peter 5:1-4 Introduction What do you call a chicken crossing the road? Poultry in motion. What do you call a boomerang that doesn’t work? A stick. Where do you find a dog with no legs? Right where you left him. What do you call cheese that isn’t more

  • 19. How Can I Live A Lion Alert Life?

    Contributed on Nov 24, 2008
    based on 7 ratings

    The Apostle Peter will show us that there are five things that keep us lion alert.

    How Can I Live a “Lion Alert” Life? 1 Peter 5: 5-14 Introduction “In the jungle, the mighty jungle the lion sleeps tonight.” Do you recognize that once popular song? While it is true that most lions sleep from time to time, in our sermon text the Apostle Peter speaks of a lion that never more