Sermon Series
  • 1. Jesus Reaches Out To Sinners

    Contributed on Nov 1, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    This message examines the shocking action of Jesus, when he reached out to Zacchaeus. Application is made to today, noting that Jesus still reaches out to sinners today.

    INTRODUCTION TO SERIES * The “Most-Shocking” video genre (i.e., Top 20 Most Shocking Boozers and Losers; Most Shocking Fights and Wild Riots; etc.) * A different kind of “most-shocking” action: the life and ministry of Jesus Christ - Christ did things that shocked those more

  • 2. Jesus Forgives Sinners

    Contributed on Nov 1, 2011

    This message looks at the shocking action of Jesus, in which he offers forgiveness for sins

    INTRODUCTION * A Savior’s Most-Shocking Actions series: things Jesus did while on earth that were shocking to those around him at that time - things he did/said went against what many thought - his claims and actions were so shocking they eventually led to his death * Those moments are more

  • 3. Jesus Dies For The Sins Of The World

    Contributed on Nov 1, 2011
    based on 3 ratings

    This sermon looks at the shocking action of Jesus, as he offers his life as the payment for sin

    INTRODUCTION * Current series (message 3 of 4): A Savior’s Most-Shocking Actions (things Jesus said and did that his enemies used against him) * Previous actions: (1) Jesus reaches out to sinners [Zacchaeus]; (2) Jesus forgives sinners [paralytic] * Today: the shocking moment in which more

  • 4. Jesus Rises From The Dead

    Contributed on Nov 1, 2011

    The most-shocking action of Jesus was his resurrection from the dead. This message examines the implications of his resurrection, and the impact he can have in our lives today.

    INTRODUCTION * Series, “A Savior’s Most-Shocking Actions” / previous actions: reaches out to sinners; offers forgiveness to sinners; dies for sinners * A dead Savior doesn’t do anyone any good; for Christ’s death to be powerful today, he must do something that more