Sermon Series
  • 1. Thankful For The Church

    Contributed on Oct 1, 2006
    based on 3 ratings

    We take for granted the fellowship and salvation we enjoy in the church, we MUST be thankful!

    Date Written: October 1, 2006 Date Preached: October 1, 2006 Where Preached: OZHBC (PM) Sermon Details: Sermon Series: A Study in Colossians Sermon Title: Thankful for the Church Sermon Text:: Col 1:3-8 3 We give thanks to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, praying more

  • 2. A "What" And "Why" Prayer For Spiritual Maturity

    Contributed on Oct 9, 2006
    based on 3 ratings

    Paul’s prayer to the Colossian church is a great outline for our prayer for other believers and a pattern for our spiritul maturity.

    Date Written: October 8, 2006 Date Preached: October 8, 2006 Where Preached: OZHBC (PM) Sermon Details: Sermon Series: A Study in Colossians Sermon Title: A “what” and “why” prayer for Spiritual Maturity Sermon Text: Col 1:9-12 9 For this reason also, since the day we heard of more

  • 3. What Are We Remembering?

    Contributed on Oct 18, 2006
    based on 10 ratings

    A Lord’s Supper Sermon

    Date Written: October 12, 2006 Date Preached: October 15, 2006 Where Preached: OZHBC (PM) Sermon Details: Sermon Series: Special Sermons Sermon Title: In Remembrance of Me! What are we remembering? Sermon Text:: Col 1:13-22; 1Cor 11:23b-26 Introduction: Far too often as more

  • 4. Paul's Concern Over Heresy

    Contributed on Nov 26, 2006
    based on 1 rating

    Paul was concerned for the believers in Colosse.

    Sermon Brief Date Written: November 26, 2006 Date Preached: November 26, 2006 Where Preached: OZHBC (PM) Sermon Details: Sermon Series: A Study in Colossians Sermon Title: Paul’s Concern over Heresy in the Church Sermon Text:: Col 2:1-5 Introduction: Just a note, this outline is more

  • 5. A Challenge To New Deacons

    Contributed on Dec 2, 2006
    based on 7 ratings

    A Deacon Ordination Sermon

    Sermon Details: Sermon Series: A Study in Colossians Sermon Title: A Challenge to New Deacons Sermon Text:: Col 2:6-7 Introduction: Now I want you all to know that as I began preparing to write this sermon, I was thinking and praying about what to do and I was thinking to myself, more

  • 6. Christ Is Sufficient

    Contributed on Dec 18, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    Paul wanted to reassure the believers in Colossae that Christ was sufficient for all redemption and salvation.

    Colossians 2:1-5 [NLT] December 19, 2012 Oak Park Baptist Church – Wed Bible Study Series Colossians Bible Study Paul’s encouragement and teaching on heritical teaching: To this point, we can read where Paul has been extremely uplifting to the believers in the church at Colossae. more

  • 7. Paul's Charge To The Colossians

    Contributed on Jan 3, 2013

    Paul gives a charge to the believers in Colossae to walk IN CHRIST and to live their lives accordingly

    Colossians 2:6-7 [NLT] January 2, 2013 Oak Park Baptist Church – Wed Bible Study Series Colossians Bible Study Paul’s charge to the believers in Colossae: Paul has just told the believers in Colossae and Laodicea that he cares for them and believes that they have a strong faith and more

  • 8. Paul Explains Why Jesus Is Superior

    Contributed on Jan 8, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    Paul wanted to clarify why he was saying Jesus was superior to this false teaching...

    Colossians 2:8-15 [NLT] January 9, 2013 Oak Park Baptist Church – Wed Bible Study Series Colossians Bible Study Paul’s explains the exclusivity of Christ: Paul has just told the believers in Colossae and Laodicea about how special it was for them to know and have Christ in their more

  • 9. Paul's Cry For Trust In Christ

    Contributed on Jan 15, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    Why would we place our faith and trust in the human elements of this world if we had Christ as our Savior? Paul asks the same question of the Colossian believers!

    Colossians 2:16-23 [NLT] January 16, 2013 Oak Park Baptist Church – Wed Bible Study Series Colossians Bible Study Paul’s continues his teaching against the heresy: So far we have seen how Paul has greatly encouraged the fellowship in Colossae AND has given a great picture of just more