Sermon Series
  • 1. World Changing Faith

    Contributed on Oct 21, 2008

    Stephen had incredible faith. We can have a faith that changes the world!

    World Changing Faith: October 19, 2008 This world may shake our faith, but faith can shake the world! What is Faith? The substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen. Heb. 11:1 Faith is not just an idea... The African impala can jump to a height of over 10 feet and more

  • 2. If My People Will...give It Away

    Contributed on Oct 28, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    Money is not the answer. We cannot buy spiritual power. The people of God must pray and repent for our nation to be healed. It is our responsibility.

    If my people will…Give it away October 28, 2008 Money is not the Answer: We Cannot Buy What We need the Most: Spiritual Power I was at a football game and ready to eat my lunch. I have been trying to eat better, so I brought some peanuts. Peanuts are like dessert when you are trying to eat more

  • 3. God Speaks From The Storm: We Will Forget Why We Are Here?

    Contributed on Nov 10, 2008
    based on 5 ratings

    Many people today are wondering what is going on and why God allows trouble. The answer to our questions is not found in politics or protest, but in preaching the Gospel.

    God Speaks From The Storm: Will we forget why we are here? 110908 A man was looking for his wallet in the wrong place. Has the Church looked for the answer in the wrong place? • The world is in turmoil, or nation is in crisis. • We are facing a storm: What will our response be? • Will more

  • 4. Blinded By The Light

    Contributed on Nov 13, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    As Saul was blinded by the light, we may have to experience "blindness" to really see the truth.

    “Blinded By the Light” November 12, 2008 Pastor Charlie Wallis A family had gone to the movies, and on the way in the teenager of the family stopped by the refreshment stand to pick up some popcorn. By the time he got into the theater the lights were already dim. He scanned the theater and more

  • 5. God Is Calling Your Name

    Contributed on Nov 20, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    As God called Ananias to reach Saul, God is calling your name.

    GOD IS CALLING YOUR NAME November 19, 2008 Illus: Video: Pedro for President: You might not be a Pedro or a Napoleon, but God is calling your name!( Review: Acts 1-8 • Tough Times: Stephen’s death starts a revolution • Charles Spurgeon used to say that Satan never kicks a more

  • 6. The Paralysis Of Analysis

    Contributed on Nov 25, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    Sometimes we try to analyze and figure everything out and allow fear and intimidation keep us from reaching the lost.

    The Paralysis of Analysis: How we can overcome the fear that keeps us from reaching the lost. The church became casual in comfort, neglecting its primary task of reaching sinners. Now, will we become paralyzed by fear? Review: Acts 1-9 • Because of Stephen, the Church goes from inward to more

  • 7. Inside Out: The Church Turns The World Upside Down

    Contributed on Dec 11, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    An Overview of Acts 1-9: Through the power of the Holy Spirit, great power, and great opposition, the Church went from being a small band of believers to turning the world upside down.

    Inside Out: The New Testament Church Turns the World Upside Down An Overview of Acts 1-9: Through the power of the Holy Spirit, great power, and great opposition, the Church went from being a small band of believers to turning the world upside down. I. Introduction: Luke tells the more

  • 8. Right Relationships, Right People

    Contributed on Dec 15, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    Having the right relationships with the right people is critical to our spiritual growth. Barnabas stood by Saul when no one else did, Peter put out those who did not have faith.

    Right People, Right Relationships December 14, 2008 How having the right relationships with the right people is critical in our spiritual growth. What do you want for Christmas? More than anything, we should want more of God in our lives. More faith, more Jesus, More Holy Spirit, more love more

  • 9. Change The Way You People

    Contributed on Jan 7, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    God gave Peter a vision to change the way he looked at people. We need to see people the way God does.

    CHANGE THE WAY YOU LOOK...At People: Unclean to Clean Acts 10:1-16 January 7, 2009 God gives Peter a vision to help him see people like God does. God can change the way we people! • How would people describe you in one word? (The truth is you probably don’t really know!) • Would more

  • 10. Risk And Relationships

    Contributed on Jan 14, 2009

    Peter had to take the risk to actually have a relationship with Cornelius. If we are going to share the Gospel, we are going to have to take some risks in our relationships.

    "Risk and Relationships" Acts 10 Part 2: Transformation of the Church January 14, 2009 Peter had to take the risk to actually have a relationship with Cornelius. If we are going to share the Gospel, we are going to have to take some risks in our relationships. I. Review: Change the Way more

  • 11. Danger Close: Is The Christian Life Safe?

    Contributed on Jan 22, 2009

    If we are going to experience what the NT church experienced, to see the lost saved and lives changed, we cannnot life a "safe" life. We have to be close to the "danger."

    Danger Close: Is the Christian Life Safe? January 21, 2009 What is the scariest thing that has happened to you? What did you do? If we are going to experience what the NT church experienced, to see the lost saved and lives changed, we cannnot life a "safe" life. We have to be close to the more

  • 12. How To Have A Spiritual Explosion

    Contributed on Jan 23, 2009
    based on 5 ratings

    The power of the Holy Spirit comes when we expect, prepare, and proclaim God’s word.

    How to have a Spiritual Explosion Have you ever wanted something so bad that you couldn’t think of anything else? Illus: I wanted a BB gun so bad. I got it. And I shot my mom’s mirror! Some people say, “The Spirit is not moving…” but what is the problem? The people of Acts and more

  • 13. Need For Speed

    Contributed on Jan 28, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    We can experience God by learning to be silent.

    Need for Speed January 28, 2009 What is the most thrlling, exciting thing you have ever experienced? How did it feel? How long did that feeling last? Why do we need speed? Roller Coasters: We wait an hour for a 30 sec thrill. We all have a need for excitement, thrills, but that need more

  • 14. God Of Suffering: How We Can Experience God In Struggle And Pain

    Contributed on Jan 31, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    The effects of persecution and struggle caused the church to grow and experience more of God’s power. We can experience God in struggle and pain because He is found in suffering and walks with us through it.

    The God of Suffering: How we can experience God in struggle, pain, and suffering. Intro: How do you feel about struggle, suffering, and pain? Explanation: Acts 10-11 1. Peters has a vision for all people…(“all nations”) 2. Everyone is not happy… 3. A new church is born out of more

  • 15. Where Is God?

    Contributed on Feb 3, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    How we can know we know God through opposition, growth, and salvation.

    Where is God? How we can know that we know God. 020409 Illus: We have a "Christian Cat"…she lays on the Bible! But having a Bible doesn’t mean you know God! How can we know we know God? Background: The church in Acts is coming out of its “honeymoon” phase of Pentecost and going through some more

  • 16. Delivered! How We Can Experience Miracles In Our Lives.

    Contributed on Feb 8, 2009
    based on 11 ratings

    As Peter was delivered from prison, we can experience miracles ourselves.

    Delivered! How we can experience miracles in our lives. February 8, 2009 Do you need a miracle? Have you experienced a miracle…lately? Review: God of suffering: Thriving in Adversity. Acts 11 Text Acts 12:1-24: From bad to worse… We can experience miracles of deliverance… I. more

  • 17. Intelligent Design: Is Christianity Smart?

    Contributed on Feb 18, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    Some people believe you have to be ignorant to be a Christian, but a very intelligent man accepted Christ in Acts 13.

    Intelligent Design: Is Christianity smart? Acts 13:4-12 Even smart people believe in God! Do you consider yourself smart? Why are why not? Grades do not determine intelligence… (Nuclear Subs run into each other!) Can we know God in our mind? Jesus said to him, You shall love the more

  • 18. His Story, Our Story

    Contributed on Feb 25, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    As Paul explains the story of God in the story of Israel, we can find the story of our life in God.

    His-Story, My Story: How we can understand our story when we understand God’s story Acts 13 What is your story? “The story of my life!” Many people are searching for meaning and purpose in life Illus: Lady emails during her sleep. Our story can be found in God’s story – His more

  • 19. Prison To Praise: Praise Changes Everything

    Contributed on Mar 26, 2009
    based on 10 ratings

    Paul and Silas were put in prison, and set free by praise.

    Prison to Praise: Worship brings freedom and salvation Paul and Silas are freed from prison through praise Explanation: Text: 16:16-30 1. Paul and Silas get in trouble because of slave girl (money) 2. They are beaten and put in stocks (not fun!) 3. How do the respond? They sing! more

  • 20. Speak Up! Open Your Mouth For God

    Contributed on Apr 23, 2009

    We know we are full of the Holy Spirit when we speak for God.

    Speak Up! Open your mouth for God! Youth April 22, 2009 Thankful: God is working among you – we can see it! God is not limited by age! Speak up! Today is Earth Day and people have a lot to say. T-Shirts – say, “Love Her (the earth)” and “Try to Save Yourself” - people say all kinds of more

  • 21. How To Get Past Frustration: Experiencing The Power Of The Holy Spirit

    Contributed on May 7, 2009
    based on 8 ratings

    The disciples were frustrated because Jesus was leaving, but the Holy Spirit gets us past frustration.

    How to Get Past Frustration: Experiencing the Power of the Holy Spirit I. Introduction a. Have you ever lost your power? Were you frustrated? b. Personal Story: “My car wouldn’t start…I found out the battery connections were dirty…” c. Main Point/Theme: We can get past frustration when we more

  • 22. What A Riot! Christianity Disrupts The World

    Contributed on May 19, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    Paul and his companions started a riot because people were coming to Christ and ruining business for the sex trade.

    What A Riot! Christianity disrupts the world Acts 19:21-41 "These men who have turned the world upside down…” Acts 17:6 Paul and his companions were turning the world upside down and in the process upset some people who are making money selling sex as religion. Our world is full of sin – more

  • 23. Ready To Die, Ready To Live

    Contributed on Jun 4, 2009

    Paul said he was ready to die. To live fully for Christ, we must be ready to die for Christ.

    Ready to Die Ready to Live Review: Acts 20:22 Going without Knowing – we can trust God when the way is not clear. Acts 20:37-38 Loving and Leaving – sometimes God’s will requires us to leave people we love. (Crying at 8th Grade Promotion) Ready to Die: In order to truly live, we have more

  • 24. How To Survive A Shipwreck

    Contributed on Aug 18, 2009
    based on 15 ratings

    When life gets hard and storms are raging, a shipwreck might be the best place to be.

    How to Survive A Shipwreck August 16, 2009 Have you ever felt like your were going against the wind and your life was about to crash? When life gets hard and storms are raging, a shipwreck might be the best place to be. Background: Paul is going to high places…and hard places…and against the more