Sermon Series
  • 1. Made In The Image Of God

    Contributed on Apr 14, 2008
    based on 8 ratings

    How being made in the image of God is foundational to our self-image and that it is primarily relational

    Made in God’s Image Genesis 1.26-28 Why is it that we swat flies without a second thought and yet if we knocked down a pedestrian we would not be able to sleep? What is it about human life that makes it so valuable or precious? Why do doctors, midwives etc fight to save the life of a child? more

  • 2. Facing The Broken Image

    Contributed on Apr 14, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    How the image of God is marred by the Fall

    FACING THE BROKEN IMAGE Genesis 3.1-11 What do you see when you look in the mirror? One of the most remarkable things about people is how little insight they have to themselves. We are often able to see flaws in other people that we are blind to in ourselves. We are often able to have more

  • 3. Wounds That Heal

    Contributed on Apr 14, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    the Suffering Servant of Isaiah is God’s salvation plan and provision

    WOUNDS THAT HEAL Isaiah 52.13-53.12 ‘Wounds that Heal’ – may seem a very strange title to a sermon. It may not even seem to make sense to you. How could a wound bring healing? Psalm tells us that the words of a friend may wound but they may also bring healing. This morning it is not the more

  • 4. Forgiving Others

    Contributed on May 6, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    What is forgiveness and what it is not?

    FORGIVING OTHERS – COLOSSIANS 3.13 Read Colossians 3.13 – this is my text today. In Great Expectations by Charles Dickens, there is a lady called Miss Havisham. If you have read the book, or more likely seen it dramatised television, you will know that she spends her days in darkened rooms more