Sermon Series
  • 1. Becoming God's Best Version Of You

    Contributed on Jan 30, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    New Series God's best version of you, making the rest of your life the best of your life. Paul said I press on for the upward call, he said that at the time he called himself and old man. Your best days in God should always be ahead of you not behind.

    Becoming God's Best Version of You PPT 1 Series Title Slide The title of this series is: "Becoming God's Best Version of You." Making the rest of your life the best of your life. I want to begin by noticing a guiding principle in the life of the Apostle Paul: PPT 2 Text Php 3:12 Not more

  • 2. Don't Let The River Take What You Pursued God For

    Contributed on Jan 30, 2014
    based on 4 ratings

    Week 2. In week one we focused on the call of God that is ever upward and forward. In this message we backtrack a little and endeavor to make sure the enemy doesn't steal, nor do we lose, things God has deposited in our life. Losing your cutting edge.

    Don't Let the River Take What You Pursued God For PPT 1 Series Title Gods best version of me PPT 2 Todays Message Title We began our series last week talking about how God's call is always forward, and you will remember I used the example of a cars gears and asked are you in park, more

  • 3. No Blacksmiths

    Contributed on Feb 10, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    The message begins with a discussion of the loss of a cutting edge and then moves into a message on the attack on blacksmiths hell has had. The enemy doesn't want us to have weapons, or people skilled in their use and able to train others.

    No Blacksmith's PPT 1 Series Title Gods best version of me What does the best version of you look like? Happier? Thinner? Better relationships? PPT 2 Today's Message Title We began our series two weeks ago talking about how God's call is always forward, and you will remember I used more

  • 4. The Iron Did Swim

    Contributed on Feb 10, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    Getting back your cutting edge some times involves God taking you back to a place where you lost it, and doing a work of deep sorrow in our hearts. Just because you asked God forgive you doesn't mean you have properly dealt with your sin. Contrition.

    The Iron Did Swim PPT 1 Series Title Gods best version of me PPT 2 Today's Message Title Where Did You Lose IT We began our series talking about how God's call is always forward, and you will remember I used the example of a cars gears and asked are you in park, neutral, reverse, or more

  • 5. A Spiritual Panic Attack

    Contributed on Feb 17, 2014
    based on 10 ratings

    Abraham because of a spiritual panic attack moves to Egypt. You always bring back mementos of your time in Egypt, good and bad. Abraham found God was faithful even when he wasn't. But he also brought Hagar back with him, a bad example to his wife and Lot.

    A Spiritual Panic Attack PPT 1 Series Title PPT 2 Today's Message Title Experts say that anxiety and panic, to a certain extent, are a necessary part of our survival. But a panic attack is a sudden episode of intense fear that triggers severe physical reactions when there is no real danger more

  • 6. God's Miracle Grow

    Contributed on Mar 25, 2014
    based on 8 ratings

    Suppose there was something I could share with you that would produce incredible growth and increase in your spiritual life? Is there such a thing as God's Miracle Grow? Yes there is.

    God's Miracle Grow PPT 1 Message Title Suppose there was something I could share with you that would produce incredible growth and increase in your spiritual life? PPT 2 video I want you to watch an incredible video. Link: (Note to Pastors, more