Sermon Series
  • 1. John Series Part 7

    Contributed on Sep 25, 2021

    This was Andrew’s discovery of Jesus. He discovered that Jesus was the Messiah, the Christ

    John Series Part 7 John 1:35-42 Pastor Rodney A. Fry, MA, MDIV, MS, LPC September 26, 2021 Jesus the Messiah, the Christ: The Witness of Andrew, 1:35–42 (1:35–42) Introduction: this was Andrew’s discovery of Jesus. He discovered that Jesus was the Messiah, the Christ. (See note, Andrew—Mk. 3:18 more

  • 2. John Series Part 4

    Contributed on Sep 25, 2021

    “The Word was made flesh”—God’s Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, was made flesh and blood; He became a man. No greater message could ever be proclaimed to man.

    John Series Part 4 John 1:14-18 Jesus the Word Made Flesh: The Third Witness of John the Apostle, 1:14–18 (1:14–18) Introduction: “The Word was made flesh”—God’s Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, was made flesh and blood; He became a man. No greater message could ever be proclaimed to man. 1. Christ more

  • 3. John Series Part 5

    Contributed on Sep 25, 2021

    the witness of John the Baptist is a dynamic example for every servant of God. 1. John was questioned by religionists who were suspicious of Him: they asked, “Who are you?” (v.19). 2. He was a man who knew who he was (vv.20–22). 3. He was only a voice—only a forerunner for the Lord (v.23–24).

    John Series Part 5 John 1:19-28 Jesus the Messiah, the Lord: The Second Witness of John the Baptist, 1:19–28 (1:19–28) Introduction: the witness of John the Baptist is a dynamic example for every servant of God. 1. John was questioned by religionists who were suspicious of Him: they asked, “Who are more

  • 4. John Series Part 6

    Contributed on Sep 26, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    John’s witness about Jesus Christ is one of the greatest witnesses ever given by man. John was unmistakable in His proclamation of the Lord Jesus Christ (Lu. 4:18–19). 1. Christ is the Lamb of God (v.29). 2. Christ is the Preeminent One (vv.30–31).

    Jesus the Lamb of God, the Son of God: The Third Witness of John the Baptist, 1:29–34 (1:29–34) Introduction: John’s witness about Jesus Christ is one of the greatest witnesses ever given by man. John was unmistakable in His proclamation of the Lord Jesus Christ (Lu. 4:18–19). 1. Christ is the Lamb more

  • 5. John Series Part 2

    Contributed on Sep 26, 2021

    there was one person who was a very special witness to Christ, John the Baptist. John’s sole purpose on earth was to witness and to bear testimony to the Light of the world. His purpose stands as a dynamic example for every believer. The purpose of the believer is to bear the same witness as John

    Jesus the Light of the World: The Special Witness of John the Baptist, 1:6–8 (1:6–8) Introduction: there was one person who was a very special witness to Christ, John the Baptist. John’s sole purpose on earth was to witness and to bear testimony to the Light of the world. His purpose stands as a more

  • 6. John Series Part 1

    Contributed on Sep 27, 2021

    This passage is one of the summits of Scripture. In fact, it probably reaches the highest of human thought. What is the thought that reaches the height of human concepts? It is this: Jesus Christ, the Son of God, is …

    Jesus the Living Word: The First Witness of John the Apostle, 1:1–5 (1:1–5) Introduction: this passage is one of the summits of Scripture. In fact, it probably reaches the highest of human thought. What is the thought that reaches the height of human concepts? It is this: Jesus Christ, more

  • 7. John Series Part 8

    Contributed on Oct 3, 2021

    Philip’s discovery and witness of Jesus Christ was unmistakable. Jesus was the One prophesied in Scripture; He was the promised Messiah. 1. Philip’s experience (vv.43–44). 2. Philip’s first concern: Nathanael (v.45). 3. Philip’s conviction: Jesus was the One prophesied (v.45).

    John Series Part 8 Pastor Rodney A. Fry, MA, MDIV, MS, LPC John 1:43-45 October 3, 2021 Jesus the One Prophesied: The Witness of Philip, 1:43–45 (1:43–45) Introduction: Philip’s discovery and witness of Jesus Christ was unmistakable. Jesus was the One prophesied in Scripture; He was the promised more

  • 8. John Series Part 3

    Contributed on Oct 3, 2021

    The world is in desperate straits. It is full of darkness—the darkness of sin and despair, of sickness and death, of corruption and hell. The darkness looms over the whole world. This is the problem dealt with in the present passage. There is hope in Jesus Christ

    John Series Part 3 John 1:9-13 Pastor Rodney A. Fry, MA, MDIV, MS, LPC Jesus the Light of Men: The Second Witness of John the Apostle, 1:9–13 (1:9–13) Introduction: the world is in desperate straits. It is full of darkness—the darkness of sin and despair, of sickness and death, of corruption and more

  • 9. John Series Part 9

    Contributed on Oct 10, 2021

    Jesus bore witness to Himself. He clearly declared who He is.

    (1:50–51) Introduction: Jesus bore witness to Himself. He clearly declared who He is. 1. The response of Jesus to Nathanael (see vv.46–49). 2. Jesus is the revelation of God: the One who reveals greater things (v.50). 3. Jesus is the mediator: the One who opens the doors of heaven (v.51). 4. Jesus more

  • 10. John Series Part 11 Revelation 2: Jesus Is Supreme Over God’s House

    Contributed on Nov 7, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    Jesus Christ has supremacy over God’s house, that is, over the temple or church. He alone has the right to rule and reign over God’s house.

    Revelation 2: Jesus Is Supreme Over God’s House, 2:12–22 (2:12–22) Introduction: Jesus Christ has supremacy over God’s house, that is, over the temple or church. He alone has the right to rule and reign over God’s house. 1. Jesus left Cana (vv.12–13). 2. His discovery of evil in the temple more

  • 11. John Series Part 10 Revelation 1: Creative Power

    Contributed on Nov 7, 2021

    This was the first miracle Jesus performed. It demonstrated His very purpose for coming to earth: to reveal the creative power of God. He had the power to create and produce what was needed to meet man’s need.

    John Series Part 10 Sermon Start of Division 2 of John I. THE WITNESSES TO THE REVELATION OF JESUS CHRIST, 1:1–51 Sermon Part 1 Jesus the Living Word: The First Witness of John the Apostle, 1:1–5 Sermon Part 2 Jesus the Light of the World: The Special Witness of John the Baptist, 1:6–8 Sermon Part more

  • 12. John Series Part 12 Revelation 3: Jesus Knows All Men,

    Contributed on Nov 7, 2021

    This is a brief passage packed full of powerful truths. Jesus revealed that He knew all men. 1. Fact 1: many believed in Jesus (v.23). 2. Fact 2: Jesus did not commit nor entrust Himself to men (vv.24–25).

    John Series Part 12 Revelation 3: Jesus Knows All Men, John 2:23–25 Pastor Rodney A. Fry, MA, MDIV, MS, LPC 11/7/21 (2:23–25) Introduction: this is a brief passage packed full of powerful truths. Jesus revealed that He knew all men. 1. Fact 1: many believed in Jesus (v.23). 2. Fact 2: Jesus did not more

  • 13. John Series Part 13 Revelation 4: The New Birth, John 3:1–15

    Contributed on Feb 17, 2022

    the new birth, along with God’s great love (vv.16–17), is the most important revelation ever made in all of human history. Jesus revealed the new birth.

    John Series Part 13 Revelation 4: The New Birth, John 3:1–15 (3:1–15) Introduction: the new birth, along with God’s great love (vv.16–17), is the most important revelation ever made in all of human history. Jesus revealed the new birth. 1. The setting: Nicodemus approached Jesus (vv.1–2). 2. The more

  • 14. John Series Part 14 Revelation 5 God’s Great Love John 3:16–17

    Contributed on Feb 17, 2022

    this is the world’s most well-known Scripture. Brief and to the point, Jesus revealed God’s great love.

    John Series Part 14 Revelation 5 God’s Great Love John 3:16–17 (3:16–17) Introduction: this is the world’s most well-known Scripture. Brief and to the point, Jesus revealed God’s great love. 1. The fact: God so loved (v.16). 2. The evidence: God gave (v.16). 3. The purpose: to save (v.16). 4. The more

  • 15. John Series Part 15 Revelation 6: Man’s Condemnation, John 3:18–21

    Contributed on Mar 6, 2022

    God sent His Son into the world to save the world, but this does not mean that everyone is automatically saved. In fact, some are condemned and doomed. Jesus reveals man’s condemnation.

    John Series PART 15 Revelation 6: Man’s Condemnation, 3:18–21 (3:18–21) Introduction: God sent His Son into the world to save the world, but this does not mean that everyone is automatically saved. In fact, some are condemned and doomed. Jesus reveals man’s condemnation. 1. Who more

  • 16. John Series Part 16 The Revelation Of Jesus, The New Master John 3:22-36

    Contributed on Mar 6, 2022

    This passage does one thing—it points to Jesus Christ as the New Master, the One whom God has set before man as the only Master worthy of serving.

    John Series Part 16 THE REVELATION OF JESUS, THE NEW MASTER John 3 22 36 (3:22–36) Introduction: this passage does one thing—it points to Jesus Christ as the New Master, the One whom God has set before man as the only Master worthy of serving. 1. The setting for the revelation (vv.22–26). 2. Answer more

  • 17. John Series Part 17 The Offer Of Living Water

    Contributed on Mar 6, 2022

    Jesus offered the Samaritan woman living water, and she showed an intriguing interest. However, there were some matters that she had to straighten out before she could ever have the living water. There was the matter of sin in her life, of worship, of the Messiah, and of laboring for God.

    John Series Part 17 The Offer of Living Water John 4:1–14 (4:1–42) DIVISION OVERVIEW: Salvation: Jesus offered the Samaritan woman living water, and she showed an intriguing interest. However, there were some matters that she had to straighten out before she could ever have the living water. There more

  • 18. John Series Part 18 The Subject Of Sin John 4: 15-18

    Contributed on Mar 6, 2022

    Jesus promised the living water of spiritual rebirth. However, something had to be discussed before spiritual rebirth could be given: the subject of sin.

    The Subject of Sin, John 4:15–18 (4:15–18) Introduction: Jesus promised the living water of spiritual rebirth. However, something had to be discussed before spiritual rebirth could be given: the subject of sin. 1. There was the request for living water (v.15). 2. more

  • 19. John Series Part 19 The Subject Of Worship John 4:19-24

    Contributed on Mar 6, 2022

    Man’s whole concept and approach to worship is changed by Jesus in this passage.

    The Subject of Worship, 4:19–24 (4:19–24) Introduction: man’s whole concept and approach to worship is changed by Jesus in this passage. 1. The woman was troubled (vv.19–20). 2. Fact 1: the place of worship is not what is important (v.21). 3. Fact 2: true more

  • 20. John Series Part 20 The Subject Of Messiah John 4:25-30

    Contributed on Mar 6, 2022

    This is a dramatic picture of conversion and witnessing. The Messiah was discovered, and the discovery was excitedly shared.

    Part 20 The Subject of Messiah, John 4:25–30 (4:25–30) Introduction: this is a dramatic picture of conversion and witnessing. The Messiah was discovered, and the discovery was excitedly shared. 1. There was the sense that Jesus was the Messiah (v.25). 2. There was the great more

  • 21. John Part 21 & 22 The Subject Of Labor For God, John 4:31-42

    Contributed on Mar 6, 2022

    The believer is to labor for God. His life is to be focused upon the will and work of God. His purpose for being on earth is to serve God, to obey and work for Him.

    John Part 21 & 22 The Subject of Labor for God, 4:31–42 (4:31–42) Introduction: the believer is to labor for God. His life is to be focused upon the will and work of God. His purpose for being on earth is to serve God, to obey and work for Him. 1. Physical vs. spiritual concerns more

  • 22. John Series Sermon 23 The Evidence Of Faith John 4:43–45

    Contributed on Mar 27, 2022

    This passage is very simple, yet it pictures one of the great lessons of the gospel—the evidence of faith.

    John Series Sermon 23 The Evidence of Faith John 4:43–45 (4:43–45) Introduction: this passage is very simple, yet it pictures one of the great lessons of the gospel—the evidence of faith. 1. The setting: Jesus entered Galilee (v.43). 2. The first evidence of faith: honoring Jesus (v.44). 3. The more

  • 23. John Series Sermon 24 The Stages Of Faith, John 4:46–54

    Contributed on Mar 27, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    This nobleman was a government official, probably holding some high position in Herod’s court. His experience reveals the various stages of faith, the kind of growing faith that every man should experience.

    John Series Sermon 24 The Stages of Faith, 4:46–54 (4:46–54) Introduction: this nobleman was a government official, probably holding some high position in Herod’s court. His experience reveals the various stages of faith, the kind of growing faith that every man should experience. 1. A beginning more

  • 24. John Series Sermon 25 the Essential Authority Power To Meet The World’s Desperate Needs John 5:1–16

    Contributed on Apr 24, 2022

    through this healing miracle, Jesus was claiming to have supreme authority over the Sabbath

    JOHN SERIES SERMON 25 The Essential Authority Power to Meet the World’s Desperate Needs John 5:1–16 (5:1–47) DIVISION OVERVIEW: Jesus, Authority: Chapter 5 reveals Jesus to be the Authority over all of life. He is due the same worship, obedience, and service as God; for He is equal with God (Jn. more

  • 25. John Series 26 The Astounding Authority: Equality With God, John 5:17–30

    Contributed on May 29, 2022

    All men have to face this earth-shaking, shattering claim of Christ. He made the astounding claim that all authority belonged to Him. How could He make such an astounding claim? Because He proclaimed that He possessed equality with God and then He proceeded to give proof after proof

    Sermon 26 JOHN SERIES Astounding Authority Equality with God John 5:17–30 The Astounding Authority: Equality with God, 5:17–30 (5:17–30) Jesus Christ, Claims—Deity: all men have to face this earth-shaking, shattering claim of Christ. He made the astounding claim that all authority belonged to more

  • 26. John Series Sermon 27 The Five Witnesses To Jesus’ Authority And Power John 5:31–39

    Contributed on May 29, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    There are five witnesses to Jesus’ authority

    Sermon 27 JOHN SERIES The Five Witnesses to Jesus’ Authority and Power JOHN 5:31–39 (5:31–39) Introduction: there are five witnesses to Jesus’ authority. 1. The fact: one’s own testimony must be supported by other witnesses (v.31). 2. The first witness: the Holy Spirit within Jesus (v.32). 3. The more

  • 27. John Series Sermon 28 The Rejection Of Jesus' Claim John 5:40-47

    Contributed on May 29, 2022

    Men reject Jesus’ claim to be “equal with God” (Jn. 5:18). Jesus gave six reasons for their rejection.

    (5:40–47) Introduction: men reject Jesus’ claim to be “equal with God” (Jn. 5:18). Jesus gave six reasons for their rejection. 1. People refuse to come to Christ (vv.40–41). 2. People do not love God (v.42). 3. People accept false messiahs (v.43). 4. People seek the approval and honor of mere men more