Sermon Series
  • 1. Searching For The End Of The Rainbow

    Contributed on Apr 27, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    An effort to help people become wiser to the pitfalls of materialism and to accept contentment as a proactive way to live within God’s design

    Open with skit - (complete skit is pasted below) You have to relate to some of the drive of Dorothy, scarecrow, the tin woodsman, and the lion. 4 characters, drawn together by what they have in common: they’re lacking something. In Frank Baum’s classic story, they’re all seeking to improve more

  • 2. What's A Good Name For You?

    Contributed on Apr 27, 2009
    based on 24 ratings

    The benefits of having a good name give us good reasons to be people of integrity

    Jim was a very meticulous neighbor. He was always concerned about not upsetting the people who lived around him. So, the night he let the dog out and forgot to get him back in for a couple of hours wasn’t the norm. That was bad, in his mind, but what was worse was that as his dog came in, he had more

  • 3. Do We Really Need Jiminy Cricket?

    Contributed on Apr 27, 2009
    based on 5 ratings

    The God-given mechanism of conscience is a help that every person can use for life

    Intro: Among the 5 senses, I’m most intrigued by our sense of smell. It amazes me how many memories are conjured up by smells for me – the way I can think of a smell because of a memory; the way a smell brings back a memory. Pretty amazing. They’re not all good smells. In fact, I can remember more