Sermon Series
  • 1. Christianity Uncensored: Temptation Uncensored

    Contributed on Jun 27, 2007
    based on 7 ratings

    Do you ever just get tired of the spin? Do you ever get worn out or exhausted by it? Do you ever just wish someone would tell you like it is? Just lay it out there straight. You can handle it. You can deal with it. Don’t sugar coat it. Don’t airbrush it.

    Series: Christianity Uncensored Message #1: Temptation Uncensored By: Jud Wilhite Do you ever get tired of the spin? Do you ever feel like everywhere you go and everywhere you look somebody is trying to sell you something? They are trying to spin something one way. You are never more

  • 2. Christianity Uncensored: Success Uncensored

    Contributed on Jun 27, 2007
    based on 8 ratings

    We’re talking about success today – success uncensored. As I listen to the words of that song, some people think success comes together. You are going to have a day where it all locks into place. A day where the stars align. It’s going to happen. It feels

    Series: Christianity Uncensored Message #2: Success Uncensored By: Jud Wilhite We’re talking about success today – success uncensored. As I listen to the words of that song, some people think success comes together. You are going to have a day where it all locks into place. A day more

  • 3. Christianity Uncensored: Love Uncensored

    Contributed on Jun 27, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    We’ve been in a series in James called Christianity Uncensored. We’ve been saying that we live in an edited world that’s cleaned up and made to look pretty. Let’s just peel the facade away. Let’s look at what it means to be an authentic follower of Jesu

    Series: Christianity Uncensored Message #3: Love Uncensored By: Jud Wilhite I don’t know about you but every time I go to the grocery store I’m set off a little bit as I stand in the line and look at the magazine racks. Everyone I look at is beautiful. Have you ever felt that way? more

  • 4. Christianity Uncensored: Gossip Uncensored

    Contributed on Jun 27, 2007
    based on 38 ratings

    James gives another example. Think about a ship, like the Queen Mary in Southern California. It’s this massive ship. It has three acres of recreational space on it. It’s huge! In fact, the anchor of the Queen Mary is the equivalent in weight to ten cars

    Series: Christianity Uncensored Message #4: Gossip Uncensored By: Jud Wilhite We do live in a culture that loves dirty laundry. It’s spun all around us. We see it in all kinds of things. In particular we see it in the lines at the supermarkets when we look at these little things more

  • 5. Christianity Uncensored: Anger Uncensored

    Contributed on Jun 27, 2007
    based on 10 ratings

    We’ve been in this series called Christianity uncensored. We’ve been looking through the book of James. James was the half brother of Jesus. James brings a lot of really powerful and straight up teaching. He’s just peeling the facade back and laying out w

    Series: Christianity Uncensored Message #5: Anger Uncensored By: Jud Wilhite Anger can be a reality in our lives. There is a term for anger on the road and it’s road rage. There is a Web site called that gives some interesting statistics. It says that when you are on more

  • 6. Christianity Uncensored: Destination Uncensored

    Contributed on Jun 27, 2007
    based on 14 ratings

    You know isn’t it kind of fun to think about, to imagine what Heaven might really be like? You know there’s been many different movies similar to the clip that we’ve just seen that have tried to portray a picture of what Heaven is going to be like. I’m ki

    Series: Christianity Uncensored Message #6: Destination Uncensored By: Mark Whelchel Well, good morning. I do hope you had a great Thanksgiving. It’s sure good to be with you this morning. You know isn’t it kind of fun to think about, to imagine what Heaven might really be more

  • 7. Christianity Uncensored: Generosity Uncensored

    Contributed on Jun 27, 2007
    based on 13 ratings

    We’re going to pick it up in James chapter two and look at this particular question that he asks us. In James 2:14 he says this: “My brothers and sisters, what good does it do if someone claims to have faith but doesn’t do any good things?” If someone is

    Series: Christianity Uncensored Message #7: Generosity Uncensored By: Jud Wilhite It’s a great time for shopping, lots and lots of shopping. One of the things that can get really frustrating about shopping in the Christmas season is when you are trying to go out for the hot Christmas more