Sermon Series
  • 1. A Reason For Thanksgiving

    Contributed on Jul 10, 2018

    Message 1 in our exposition of Colossians exploring Paul's greeting and thanksgiving.

    Chico Alliance Church “A Reason for Thanksgiving” Introduction We begin a new series of messages from Paul’s letter to the church at Colossi. This was an inland town on the main commercial thoroughfare between east and west. The city’s location brought it to a position of wealth and more

  • 2. Effective Prayer

    Contributed on Jul 10, 2018

    Message 2 in our exposition of Colossians exploring the content of Paul's opening prayer.

    Chico Alliance Church “Effective Prayer” I. Paul exhibits effective prayer A. Paul offers thanksgiving to the Father 1. Focus of thanksgiving – the Father 2. Frequency – continual 3. Factor (occasion) of thanksgiving – Belief of the Colossians Sequence of more

  • 3. Redeemed How I Love To Proclaim It

    Contributed on Jul 10, 2018

    Message 3 in our exposition of Colossians focusing on our great redemption in Jesus.

    Chico Alliance Church “Redeemed How I Love to Proclaim It” Introduction Not many of us have experienced actual imprisonment. We can only imagine what it might be like. There are Christians all over the world experiencing such punishment even as we meet this morning. There are more more

  • 4. The Incomparable Christ

    Contributed on Jul 10, 2018

    Message 4 in our exposition of Colossians exploring Paul's presentation of the incomparable Christ.

    Chico Alliance Church “The Incomparable Christ” Review Paul began his letter to this group of believers by letting them see a bit of his heart. He tells them about how he has prayed for them. In this section we learn of Paul’s prayer habits. I. Paul exhibits proper, effective prayer more

  • 5. Restored Relationship

    Contributed on Jul 10, 2018

    Message 5 in our exposition of Colossians exploring the wonder of reconciliation.

    Chico Alliance Church “Restored Relationship” I. Paul exhibits effective Prayer 1:1-12 II. Paul exalts the Father’s great transfer program 13-23 A. The Father rescued us from the kingdom of darkness. B. The Father transferred us into the kingdom of His beloved Son. C. Jesus more

  • 6. Heart Of A Minister

    Contributed on Jul 11, 2018

    Message 6 in our exposition of Colossians. This message explores the heart of Paul regarding ministry.

    Chico Alliance Church November 16, 1997 “The Heart of a Minister” Introduction Today we look at the heart of a powerful tool in the hands of the King. Paul explains to the Colossians his personal ministry regarding this glorious hope. It is my hope that as we look at Paul’s personal ministry to more

  • 7. The Heart Of Ministry

    Contributed on Jul 11, 2018

    Message 7 in our exposition of Colossians exploring what Paul considered the heart of ministry.

    Chico Alliance Church Review It is so easy to get sidetracked and focused on the wrong thing. Some people spend their whole life climbing the ladder of success only to discover it is leaning against the wrong wall. Paul writes to the believers at Colossi to keep their focus sharp and clear. more

  • 8. Debt Free

    Contributed on Jul 11, 2018

    Message 8 in our exposition of Colossians discussing our freedom in Christ.

    Chico Alliance Church “Debt Free” III. Paul explains his personal ministry 1:24-2:5 A. The heart of the minister B. The heart of the ministry 1. Christ indwells us Paul clearly affirms that the basis of our citizenship in the kingdom of God’s beloved son is the presence of more

  • 9. Identification Verified

    Contributed on Jul 11, 2018

    Message 9 in our exposition of Colossians dealing with our new identify in Christ.

    Chico Alliance Church “Identification Verified” Review I. Paul exhibits proper prayer II. Paul exalts God’s terrific transfer program III. Paul explains his personal ministry 1:24-2:5 A. The heart of the minister B. The heart of the ministry 1. Christ indwells us more

  • 10. Life And Death Experience

    Contributed on Jul 11, 2018

    Message 10 in our exposition of Colossians dealing with out death with Christ.

    Chico Alliance Church “A Life and Death Experience” The foundation principle is our co-death with Christ freeing us from the old life as slaves to the law of sin and death and our co-resurrection with Christ enabling us to walk according to the law of the spirit of life in Christ. Our life more

  • 11. Heavenly Focus

    Contributed on Jul 21, 2018

    Message 11 in our study of Colossians dealing with the command to focus on things above.

    Chico Alliance Church “A Heavenly Focus”” Today I want us to spend our time thinking about Paul’s second application of the co-death and co-resurrection with Christ principle found in Chapter 3. Paul said all things all lawful. Christ declared all things clean. The issue now becomes one of more

  • 12. A New Focus

    Contributed on Jul 21, 2018

    Message 12 in our study of Colossians continuing a discussion on setting our thinking on things above.

    Chico Alliance Church “What Is Garbage?” Two themes in Colossians Jesus reigns supreme over all creation. Jesus remains sufficient for all creation. After reviewing the wonderful work of God on their behalf, Paul reinforces the truth of our identification with Christ. This truth of more

  • 13. Presumed Dead

    Contributed on Jul 21, 2018

    Message 13 in our study of Colossians dealing with considering our selves dead to sin.

    Chico Alliance Church “Presumed Dead” Review Christ reigns supreme over all creation. Christ remains sufficient for all creation. We have been rescued from the kingdom of darkness. We have been transferred into the Kingdom of His beloved Son. The ransom price has been paid. Our debt has more

  • 14. Dealing With Unruly Members

    Contributed on Jul 21, 2018

    Message 14 in our Colossians series exploring the need to deal with the flesh.

    Chico Alliance Church “Dealing with Unruly Members” Continually pursue the eternal Continually contemplate the eternal Conclusively deal with our “members” on the earth “THEREFORE” In light of the realities mentioned above Paul calls for further action. Paul shifts from the teaching more

  • 15. Kingdom Clothes

    Contributed on Jul 21, 2018

    Message 15 in our Colossians series dealing with the spiritual clothes of a believer.

    Chico Alliance Church “Kingdom Clothes” Review On the basis of our new internal identity with Christ, Paul calls for us to put off the external things that identify one with the ways of the Old Kingdom and put on the clothes consistent with our new self and citizenship in the New more

  • 16. More Kingdom Clothes

    Contributed on Jul 22, 2018

    Message 16 in our Colossians study continuing an exploration of the kind of "clothes" Christians should wear.

    Chico Alliance Church “More Kingdom Clothes” Review On the basis a restored relationship with Christ, Paul calls for us to put away the habits and drives associated with the Old Kingdom and demonstrate attitudes and behavior that identifies us as citizens of the New Kingdom. We will be more

  • 17. Love: A Worthy Overcoat

    Contributed on Jul 22, 2018

    Message 17 in our study of Colossians. This message explores the phrase "beyond all these things up on love.

    Chico Alliance Church “A Worthy Overcoat” Today we look at one more piece from the wardrobe and then finish off this wardrobe with a glorious overcoat. Wear Forgiveness (More complete notes available previously) A heart of forgiveness denies the inclination to extract payment from the more

  • 18. Super Umpire

    Contributed on Jul 22, 2018

    Message 18 in our study of Colossians. This message explores the concept of peace.

    Chico Alliance Church “Super Umpire” Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Romans 1:7 Today we explore together a common struggle from life in a fallen world. • Turbulent relationships with people • Feelings of confusion, anxiety, stress • Struggles with more

  • 19. Super Umpire Pt 2

    Contributed on Jul 22, 2018

    Message 19 in our Colossians study continuing the discussion on peace.

    Chico Alliance Church “Super Umpire Pt 2” Supplementary Notes Revised Definition of Peace Peace is the inner calm confidence resulting from a resounding realization that God works everything together for His glorious purpose and our ultimate good. Peace is the calm confidence that more

  • 20. The Effectual Boarder

    Contributed on Jul 22, 2018

    Message 20 in our Colossians Study focusing on allowing the Word of Christ to dwell in us richly.

    Chico Alliance Church “The Effectual Boarder” “Let the Word of Christ dwell richly” Colossians 3:16 • Hold fast to Christ • Continually pursue or seek things related to the eternal. • Continually contemplate or think about eternal things. • Deny any expression by fleshly desires left more

  • 21. Ambassadors For Christ

    Contributed on Jul 22, 2018

    Message 21 in our Colossians study on our responsibility to be an ambassador of Jesus Christ.1

    Chico Alliance Church “Ambassadors for Christ” Let the word of Christ richly dwell within you, with all wisdom teaching and admonishing one another with psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with thankfulness in your hearts to God. Col. 3:16 The word of Christ is that body of truth more

  • 22. Loving Husbands

    Contributed on Jul 22, 2018

    message 22 in our study of Colossians exploring the responsibility of husbands to love their wives.

    Chico Alliance Church “Loving Husbands” Review What does God want us to know through our study of this letter over the past several months? First, Paul demonstrates an effective prayer life. Paul exhibits Powerful prayer 1:3-12 Offers thanksgiving to the Father Offers petitions to the more

  • 23. Role And Responsibility Of The Wife

    Contributed on Jul 22, 2018

    Message 23 in our study of Colossians exploring the role and responsibility of wives.

    Chico Alliance Church “The Role & Responsibility of the Wife” Introduction The condition of our relationships with others reveals a great deal concerning the level of spiritual maturity and relationship with God. Scripture invites us to check the people gage quite often. All sin has more

  • 24. Godly Children

    Contributed on Jul 22, 2018
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    Message 24 in our study of Colossians address the responsibility of Children to God and parents.

    Chico Alliance Church Godly Children God Love’s Kids Over and over again, God talks about His love for children. He has stern warning to those who lead children astray. Jesus and Children One time some children wanted to see Jesus and the adults tried to shoo them away. Jesus rebuked more

  • 25. Effective Fathers

    Contributed on Jul 22, 2018

    Message 25 in our study in Colossians addressing the role of parents.

    “Effective Parents” FATHERS I tried to find a way to share the responsibility of God's instructions concerning the nurture or of children with the moms but there is no way around it. In the two major passages which we will briefly examine today, God addresses “Fathers” not parents. If he more

  • 26. Faithful Servants

    Contributed on Jul 22, 2018

    Message 26 in our study of Colossians addressing the characteristics of a faithful servant.

    Chico Alliance Church “Faithful Servants” This week we shift to Paul’s admonition concerning slaves and masters. Lest we dismiss the principles here because we are not slaves or masters or employees or employers we should step back and look more carefully at the principle. Yes these verses were more

  • 27. Devoted To Prayer

    Contributed on Jul 22, 2018

    Message 27 in our Colossians study address Paul's admonition to be devoted to prayer.

    Chico Alliance Church “Devoted to Prayer” “prayer” The subject of this passage is not too hard to discover. Paul addresses the subject of prayer. This morning I want to try to describe the basic idea of prayer. After we understand the basic concept of prayer, we want look further as to more

  • 28. An Effective Witness

    Contributed on Jul 23, 2018

    Message 28 in our study of Colossians exploring the elements of an effective witness.

    Chico Alliance Church “An Effective Witness” Only second to Paul’s passion to talk to the Father was his passion to share Christ with those “outside”. He instructs the church regarding our witness in the world. Conduct yourselves with wisdom toward outsiders, making the most of the more

  • 29. Overview Of Colossians

    Contributed on Jul 23, 2018

    Last (29) Message in our study of Colossians review the entire letter.

    Chico Alliance Church “A Letter to Live By” Introduction We have been studying Paul’s letter to the Colossians for nearly a year now. Paul wrote to this local church family to communicate God’s truth and his heart. He wanted them to know that Jesus Christ is supreme over all and sufficient for more