Don’t Be Left Behind
Contributed by Brian Bill on Mar 19, 2003 (message contributor)
1. Keeping Your Faith Alive
Contributed on Mar 19, 2003
In this introductory message, we’ll look at how this young church was started and we’ll focus on what the believers did to keep their walk with God fresh.
Keeping Your Faith Alive Two country pastors were standing by the side of a highway holding up a sign that read, “The end is near! Turn around now before it’s too late!” The plan was to lift the sign up high and point to the words as cars came down the road. The first driver slowed down ...read more
2. Marks Of A Healthy Church
Contributed on Mar 19, 2003
The gospel has a powerful impact on those who are receptive. Believers are to joyfully share their faith with others – before it’s too late.
Marks of a Healthy Church After the sermon last week, someone came up to me and asked me a question: “If First Thessalonians is one of the shortest and easiest books to understand, why are you taking 14 weeks to preach through it?” I told him that he should be glad I’m not preaching through the ...read more
3. A Model Worth Following
Contributed on Mar 19, 2003
Paul and his team authentically modeled the message, focusing on the praise of God, not men. We must do the same and be as gentle as a mother and as firm as a father with those we are hoping to influence.
Marks of a Healthy Church After the sermon last week, someone came up to me and asked me a question: “If First Thessalonians is one of the shortest and easiest books to understand, why are you taking 14 weeks to preach through it?” I told him that he should be glad I’m not preaching through the ...read more
4. Growing Pains
Contributed on Mar 19, 2003
God’s Word provides growth in our lives and our faith must be lived out in the context of relationships. When Jesus comes back, find your joy in Him and in the changed lives of your friends.
Growing Pains A small factory had to be shut down because their most important piece of machinery had stopped working. The company mechanic couldn’t get it running, so they called in an expert. The man looked over the machine for a few minutes. He then picked up his hammer and gently tapped it. ...read more
5. Standing Firm In Trials
Contributed on Mar 19, 2003
Persecution is promised to believers; therefore we should not be surprised when we encounter trials of various kinds. In the midst of difficulties, we must continue to increase in love for people as we anticipate the return of Christ.
Standing Firm in Trials Here are a few breaking prayer needs that have been compiled by a ministry called “Open Doors.” (Taken from the Pastor’s Guide for the “International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church,” www.opendoorsusa.org). Vietnamese authorities recently arrested a pastor and ...read more
6. Doing God's Will
Contributed on Mar 19, 2003
It’s one thing to know God’s will; it’s another to do it. God wants us to be pure, to love others, and He longs to have our lives attract others to the life-changing message of the gospel.
Doing God’s Will A wealthy man went up to his pastor and said, “I want you and your wife to take a three-month trip to the Holy Land at my expense. When you come back I’ll have a surprise for you.” Three months later they returned home and discovered that this man had built a beautiful new ...read more
7. Will You Be Left Behind?
Contributed on Mar 19, 2003
In this classic passage on the “Rapture,” Paul reminds us that we don’t have to grieve without hope because believers will meet the Lord in the clouds one day. These words provide encouragement to us when we’re trying to deal with the death of a believer
Will You Be Left Behind? This past week we went with another family to an apple orchard. Upon discovering that they had a “Corn Maze,” we decided to check it out. I thought it was going to be a little field with a few paths through the corn. Boy, was I mistaken! We paid our intermission fee ...read more
8. Getting Ready For The Second Coming
Contributed on Mar 19, 2003
We’re not to get caught up in date setting but instead are to be ready at all times to meet the Lord because He will come like a thief in the night. In the meantime, we’re to cultivate faith, love, and hope.
Getting Ready for the Second Coming [Drama: “Security Check”] I can’t imagine what that would be like when the Book of Life is opened and your name is nowhere to be found! The feelings of regret, loneliness, and outright alarm would be devastating. And that would be nothing like the eternal ...read more
9. How To Behave In Church
Contributed on Mar 19, 2003
We’re to respect other believers and strive to live in peace with everyone. We’re also called to communicate what people need to hear, remembering to be patient with everyone.
How to Behave in Church I enjoy collecting bulletin bloopers. I’ve shared some in the past and have recently come across some brand new ones: Attend church and you will hear an excellent speaker and heave a healthy lunch. [I hope that’s not a reference to our potluck that follows the second ...read more
10. Keepers Of The Flame
Contributed on Mar 19, 2003
God’s desire is for us to be joyful always, to pray continually, and to give thanks in all circumstances. We must avoid every kind of evil and make sure that we allow the Spirit’s flame to burn brightly in our lives as we await His glorious appearing.
Keepers of the Flame A guy from Wisconsin and a man from Illinois are sitting next to each other on a long flight to L.A. The Illini leans over to the Badger and asks if he’d like to play a game to pass the time. The cheesehead just wants to take a nap, so he politely declines. The ...read more
11. Praying For The Right Things
Contributed on Mar 19, 2003
In the light of the Lord’s impending return, we’re to pray that our faith will grow and that our love will increase. Since those who don’t know God will be punished when Christ appears, we must avoid mediocre spirituality and apathetic prayers.
Praying for the Right Things One of my favorite commercials is for a cell phone company in which cellular static has caused some confusion between a married couple. The wife had just asked her husband to bring home “a movie, something old.” The husband however, thought she said, “Bring home a ...read more
12. The Antics Of The Antichrist
Contributed on Mar 19, 2003
With all the reports about the nearness of the Second Coming, we must not become alarmed. The Antichrist is also coming and will proclaim himself to be God, but believers have nothing to fear.
The Antics of the Antichrist One afternoon, when we lived in Mexico City, I was in a McDonald’s restaurant studying Spanish. As I was eating my hamburger with jalapenos (that’s how they do it in Mexico), I suddenly became very dizzy and disoriented. I wasn’t too concerned at first because this ...read more
13. The Strength That Lasts
Contributed on Mar 19, 2003
Followers of Christ can be confident of salvation and sanctification because of the work of the Holy Spirit. We’re to stand firm and hold to the truth of the Bible in these final days.
The Strength That Lasts I hope you had a good Thanksgiving! How many of you ate too much? Here are three signs that you may have overdone it. Paramedics had to bring in the ‘Jaws of Life’ to pry you out of the EZ-Boy. You set off 3 earth tremors on your morning jog Friday. When you had ...read more
14. Being Busy For Christ
Contributed on Mar 19, 2003
God doesn’t want us to be loafers while we wait for the appearing of His Son. Instead, we are to work hard, settle down, and earn our wages. We must never tire of doing what is right.
Being Busy for Christ For those of you who are wondering if I got my hair cut, the answer is “yes.” On Wednesday, I invited Harold Davis to speak about sheep at the Kiwanis club. He did a great job, as he did this summer when he helped us learn more about Psalm 23. In my introduction of Harold, I ...read more