Sermon Series
  • 1. It Doesn't Matter

    Contributed on Jul 13, 2022

    Solomon continues his examination of life, "under the sun."

    It Doesn’t Matter Ecclesiastes 9 This year’s Kentucky Derby winner is a horse called Rich Strike. This was a horse that wasn’t even in the race until 31 hours before the race began. 2 other horses had to scratch before Rich Strike even qualified for the race, but it wasn’t supposed to win. The more

  • 2. Tomorrow May Be Too Late - Ecclesiastes 11

    Contributed on Jul 29, 2022

    In my Bible, this chapter titled “Invest in Life.”

    Tomorrow May Be Too Late - Ecclesiastes 11 Last time we were in Ecclesiastes, we saw Solomon’s Portrait of a Fool in chapter 10. Now, in chapter 11, Solomon is starting to wrap up his thoughts. In my Bible, this chapter titled “Invest in Life.” This may seem to contradict with the concept of more