Sermon Series
  • 1. Fast & Furious Part 1

    Contributed on Aug 26, 2014

    Are you running wide open? Does it seem like life is "Fast & Furious"? Isn't it time to slow down a little?

    START WITH CAR RACE VIDEO OPEN: Good Morning! Welcome to our new series called..... ! Explain video ! Many of us wouldn’t dare get into a car going that fast, yet our lives are going that fast. ! New series title is “Fast and Furious: Easing Up to Create more

  • 2. Fast & Furious Part 2

    Contributed on Aug 26, 2014

    Do you need to slow down a little? Is your life "Fast & Furious"?

    START WITH CAR RACE VIDEO # 2 OPEN: Good Morning! Welcome to our new series called..... Let me begin by asking you three questions. If you answer “yes” to any of these.....please stand up: # 1 – Were there two or more nights this week that you went to more

  • 3. Fast & Furious Part 3

    Contributed on Aug 26, 2014

    Running wide open financially will get you there fast, but is it worth it? Or is it time to slow down and be a little more careful with your finances?

    Fast and Furious EASING UP TO CREATE MARGIN Luke 5:16 AFTER OFFEERING PLAY VIDEO: “Go For Broke” Well, welcome to the third week of the series called “FAST & FURIOUS: EASING UP TO CREATE MARGIN”. Today I want to more

  • 4. Fast & Furious Part 4

    Contributed on Aug 26, 2014

    Creating moral margin on our lives.

    Fast & Furious –Part 4 “Moral Margin” QUESTION: How many of you know someone whose life has been destroyed by sexual sin? (Pregnancy, abortion, aids, divorce, disease, etc.) QUESTION: Have you ever met anyone that said, “My goal is to more