Sermon Series

  • 1. Like Father Like Son

    Contributed on Sep 20, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    First of a series on the characteristics of God as our father.  This message deals with likeness and the passing on of His DNA to believers.

    “Kingdom Kids” Part 1 Introduction Since Father’s Day is coming up in four weeks I thought we would take a short break from 1 John to further explore the wonder of God as our father. Fathers play a vital role in any society. Since we explored the passage in 1 John about being children of more

  • 2. Loving Father

    Contributed on Sep 20, 2007

    Second in a series in the characteristics of God as our Father. This message deals with His great love.

    “Kingdom Kids” “Loving Father” Part 2 John clearly intended us to contemplate our intimate relationship with God as a Father and child. The image runs all through his gospel and especially his letter. I. The Likeness Factor A. The fact of likeness God created man in His image at the more

  • 3. The Father's Protection

    Contributed on Sep 20, 2007

    Third in a series on the characteristics of God as our father. This message particularly deals with his protection.

    “Kingdom Kids” Part 3 Review John encouraged his readers to take the time to contemplate the awesomeness of the eternal God of the universe inviting sinful creatures of earth to be His children. “Behold”, “see”, “know”. Scripture employs the image of God as our heavenly Father. We are taking more

  • 4. God's Protection And Presence

    Contributed on Sep 20, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    Fourth in a series on the characteristics of God as our father. This deals with His protection and his continual presence.

    “Chosen Children of a Perfect Father” Part 4 Review All who have put their trust in Christ become chosen children of a perfect father. But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, even to those who believe in His name, who were born, not of blood nor of more

  • 5. Wonderful Counselor

    Contributed on Sep 20, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    Fifth in a series on the characteristics of God as our father.  This dealing with His wisdom and sound counsel.

    “Chosen Children of a Perfect Father” (The Fatherhood of God) Part 5 Review I. The Likeness Factor II. Unconditional love and acceptance factor God’s love chose us. God’s love drew us into His family. God’s love removed all the obstacles to intimate relationship. God’s love supernaturally more

  • 6. Wisdom Factor

    Contributed on Apr 11, 2018

    Sixth in a series on the characteristics of God as our loving Father. This message has to do with the fact that God is there to provide wisdom for life.

    “The Wisdom/Counsel Factor” (The Fatherhood of God Pt 6) Review Dads play a vital role in our development. Many of the talents or traumas we have today stem from our interaction with our fathers. Scripture employs the image of a father as one way to explain God’s relationship to His more

  • 7. The Provision Factor

    Contributed on Apr 19, 2018

    7th message in a series exploring the wonder of God as our Father. This message focuses on the fact that our Heavenly Father provides for our needs.

    “The Provision Factor” (The Fatherhood of God Pt 7) God made this promise… I will be a father to you, and you shall be sons and daughters to Me." 2 Corinthians 6:16-18 The Bible focuses on a number of factors related to God’s role as Father. I. The Likeness Factor – Dad’s perfect more

  • 8. The Provision Factor Pt 2

    Contributed on Apr 19, 2018

    8th message in a series exploring the wonder of God as our Father. This is a continuation of looking at God as our provider.

    “The Provision Factor” Pt 2 (The Fatherhood of God Pt 8) Supplement to notes from July 22, 2007 Review The Bible uses a number of visual and emotional aids to communicate the relationship between the Creator and His creation. Shield, Master, Lord, Creator, Eternal God, Almighty, Fortress, more

  • 9. The Affirmation Factor

    Contributed on Apr 19, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    9th message in a series exploring the wonder of God as our loving Father. This message focuses on the fact that God is an affirming Father.

    “The Affirmation Factor” (The Fatherhood of God Pt 9) Review If we only had the image of God painted by Nahum, it would be most frightening. Nahum 1:2-6 Fortunately, Nahum’s image of God is not the only image found in Scripture. The Bible employs numerous images to communicate the more

  • 10. Affirmation Factor Pt 2

    Contributed on Apr 19, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    10th message in a series exploring the wonder of God as our loving Father. This message continues the discussion of how God is and affirming, encouraging and acknowledging Father.

    “Affirmation, Encouragement, Acknowledgment” (The Fatherhood of God Pt 10) Review I. The Likeness Factor – Dad’s impeccable genes II. The Unconditional love & acceptance factor–Dad’s incomprehensible love III. The Protection and security Factor – Dad’s impervious protection IV. The more

  • 11. The Discipline Factor

    Contributed on Apr 19, 2018
    based on 4 ratings

    11th message in a series exploring the wonder of God as our loving Father. This message explores the truth that because God loves us, He also discipliness us for our good.

    “The Discipline Factor” (The Fatherhood of God Pt 11) I. The Likeness Factor We manifest Dad’s impeccable genes. II. The Unconditional Love & Acceptance factor We rest in dad's incomprehensible love. III. The Protection and Security Factor We stand secure in more

  • 12. The Discipline Factor

    Contributed on Apr 19, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    12th in a series of messages exploring the wonder of God as our loving Father. This message continues the discussion of the Father's discipline.

    The Discipline Factor Pt 2” (The Fatherhood of God Pt 12) (Supplementary to Notes of September 9th) Introduction What is the most important agenda our heavenly Father desires for His kids? What does He want for our life on this earth more than anything else? Success? Greatness? Comfort? A more

  • 13. The Faithfulness Factor

    Contributed on Apr 19, 2018
    based on 2 ratings

    13th message in a series exploring the wonder of God as our loving Father. This message explores the wonder of God's faithfulness to His children.

    “The Faithfulness Factor” (The Fatherhood of God Pt 13) Introduction We live in a world of unfaithfulness; unfaithfulness in marriages, business dealings, friendships, church relationships, and family. People fail, falter, forget, forsake their commitments on a regular basis. The only thing we more

  • 14. Faithfulness Factor Pt 2

    Contributed on Apr 19, 2018
    based on 2 ratings

    14th message in a series on the wonder of God as our loving Father. This message continues the discussion of God's faithfulness to His children.

    “The Faithfulness Factor” Pt 2 (The Fatherhood of God Pt 14) IX. The Faithfulness Factor We entrust our souls to Dad’s insistent faithfulness. We live in a world of unfaithfulness; people fail, falter, forget, forsake their commitments on a regular basis. We learned that only God is more

  • 15. Reward / Inheritance Factor

    Contributed on Apr 19, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    15th message in a series exploring the wonder of God as or loving Father. This message explores the fact that our loving Father rewards His children and secures and amazing future inheritance.

    “The Reward and Inheritance Factor” Pt 2 (The Fatherhood of God Message 16) X. The Reward and Inheritance Factor We inherit our Dad’s riches and resources A. REWARD Without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is and that He is a more

  • 16. Reward / Inheritance Factor

    Contributed on Apr 19, 2018

    16th message in a series exploring the wonder of God as our loving Father. This message continues a discussion on the truth of our Father's rewarding heart.

    “The Reward and Inheritance Factor” Pt 2 (The Fatherhood of God Message 16) X. The Reward and Inheritance Factor We inherit our Dad’s riches and resources A. REWARD Without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder more

  • 17. Inheritance Factor Pt 3

    Contributed on Apr 19, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    17 message in a series exploring the wonder of God as our loving Father. This message continues the discussion of our eternal inheritance.

    “The Reward and Inheritance Factor” Pt 3 (The Fatherhood of God Message 17) X. The Reward and Inheritance Factor A. PRESET AND FUTURE REWARD B. FUTURE INHERITANCE 1. The Father’s wealth 2. The only begotten Son’s Inheritance 3. The inheritance of the more

  • 18. Inheritance Factor Part 4

    Contributed on Apr 19, 2018

    18th in a series of messages exploring the wonder of God as our loving Father. This message continues a discussion of our heavenly inheritance.

    “The Reward & Inheritance Factor” Pt 4 (The Fatherhood of God Message 18) X. The Reward and Inheritance Factor We inherit our Dad’s riches and resources A. PRESENT AND FUTURE REWARD God rewards faithful service. Sometimes the reward is now. Sometimes the reward comes later. With more

  • 19. Inheritance Factor Pt 5

    Contributed on Apr 19, 2018

    19th in a series on the wonder of God as our loving Father. This message continues the discussion of heaven as our inheritance.

    “The Reward & Inheritance Factor -- Heaven” Pt 5 (The Fatherhood of God Message 19) X. The Reward and Inheritance Factor We inherit our Dad’s riches and resources A. PRESENT AND FUTURE REWARD B. FUTURE INHERITANCE C. INTERMEDIATE HOME D. RENEWED HEAVEN AND more

  • 20. Inheritance Factor Part 6

    Contributed on Apr 19, 2018

    20th in a series of messages exploring the wonder of God as our loving Father. This message continues (Pt 6) the discussion of heaven as our future inheritance.

    “The Reward & Inheritance Factor” Pt 6 (The Fatherhood of God Message 20) X. The Reward and Inheritance Factor A. PRESENT AND FUTURE REWARD Remember – you’re not home yet. B. FUTURE INHERITANCE Remember – He who has the Son gets it all. C. INTERMEDIATE HOME Remember – Absent more

  • 21. Inheritance Factor Part 7

    Contributed on Apr 19, 2018

    21st and message in a series on the wonder of God as our loving Father and our responsibility as His kids. This message continues (Part 7) a discussion of our future inheritance: heaven.

    “The Reward & Inheritance Factor” Pt 7 (The Fatherhood of God Message 21) X. The Reward and Inheritance Factor A. PRESENT AND FUTURE REWARD B. FUTURE INHERITANCE C. INTERMEDIATE HOME D. RENEWED HEAVEN AND EARTH 1. The physical aspects of life on the new earth more

  • 22. Present Help From A Future Hope

    Contributed on Jul 28, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    This message continues thoughts regarding the inheritance factor in our discussion of being kingdom kids. This is the first of 13 messages exploring how an understanding of future hope aids our walk today.

    “Present Help from a Future Hope” Pt 1 Review X. The Reward and Inheritance Factor A. PRESENT AND FUTURE REWARD Remember – you’re not home yet. B. FUTURE INHERITANCE Remember – He who has the Son gets it all and the best is yet to come. C. INTERMEDIATE HOME Remember – Absent more

  • 23. Future Hope Motivates Present Faithfulness

    Contributed on Jul 28, 2018

    This message is the second of 13 exploring how a future focus motives a present Faithfulness

    “Future Hope Motivates Present Faithfulness” Pt 2 Review X. The Reward and Inheritance Factor A. PRESENT AND FUTURE REWARD B. FUTURE INHERITANCE C. INTERMEDIATE HOME D. RENEWED HEAVEN AND EARTH – Our permanent home E. PRESENT HELP FROM A FUTURE HOPE Does more

  • 24. Future Focus Motivates Present Faithfulness Pt 3

    Contributed on Jul 28, 2018

    This is a third part of how a focus on the future can motivate faithfulness in the present.

    “Future Focus Present Faithfulness” Pt 3 Review X. The Reward and Inheritance Factor A. PRESENT AND FUTURE REWARD B. FUTURE INHERITANCE C. INTERMEDIATE HOME D. RENEWED HEAVEN AND EARTH – Our permanent home E. PRESENT HELP FROM A FUTURE HOPE Contemplating our future more

  • 25. Future Focus Motivates Present Faithfulness

    Contributed on Jul 28, 2018

    Part four considering how a future focus motivates present faithfulness

    “Future Focus Present Faithfulness” Pt 4 Review Contemplating our future heavenly existence greatly affects our present service. Scripture requires us to maintain a clear heavenly focus in order to manage a consistent earthly walk. We enter and keep running this present grueling race of more

  • 26. A Future Focus Motivates A Present Faithfulness

    Contributed on Jul 28, 2018

    Part 5 in our consideration of how a future focus motivates present faithfulness.

    Future Focus Present Faithfulness Series Pt 5 “Pursuing Peace with ALL Men” Scripture insists we continually maintain an eternal focus -- Colossians 3:1-4 Keep seeking the things above…Set your mind on the things above, not on the things that are on earth. Why? For you have died and your life more

  • 27. Future Focus Motivates Present Faithfulness Pt 6

    Contributed on Jul 28, 2018

    Part 6 in our discussion of how a future focus motivates present behavior. This message focuses on the pursuit of sanctification.

    Future Focus Present Faithfulness Series Pt 6 “Pursue Sanctification” Review A holy life is one whose direction comes from the principles and purposes of Scripture. A future focus motivates us to think about how we are living today. What does our life communicate to those around us? Does our more

  • 28. A Future Focus Motivates A Present Faithfulness Pt 7

    Contributed on Jul 28, 2018

    Part 7 exploring the ability of a future focus to motivate present behavior.

    Future Focus Present Faithfulness Series Pt 7 “Finding Grace or Falling Short” Review What is my purpose? What should I be doing with my life? What should direct the decisions I choose and the activities I schedule? If you want a truly Biblically directed life; a purpose directed life, you more

  • 29. Future Focus Motivates Present Faithfulness Pt 9

    Contributed on Jul 28, 2018

    Part 9 in our exploration of a future focus specifically dealing with the admonition to address bitterness.

    “Uprooting Bitter Roots” Hebrews 12 addresses three specific life goals to consider as individuals and as a church family. It is my hope that they will guide the direction of our church family throughout the year. a) Promote Healing among the body b) Pursue peace with ALL men more

  • 30. Future Focus Present Faithfulness - Uprooting Bitter Roots

    Contributed on Jul 28, 2018

    Message continuing to address the problem of bitterness.

    Future Focus Present Faithfulness Series Pt 10 “Uprooting Bitter Roots 3” Hebrews 12 identifies three deadly infections that contaminate the Christian community and disrupt the unity God instructs us to pursue, promote and protect. These three infections also prevent the pursuit of the three more