Sermon Series
  • 1. You Gotta Have A Dream

    Contributed on Feb 26, 2002
    based on 44 ratings

    A series based on the winter games

    Well it almost upon us, only 5 more days and the eyes of the world will be focused on Salt Lake City Utah. As most of you know I am not a sports fan, never have been never will be. I know that never is a long time but trust me on this one. But even for a non sports fan like me there is mystique more

  • 2. Alpine Skiing: Some Things We Need To Do For Ourselves

    Contributed on Feb 26, 2002
    based on 37 ratings

    The second in the series on the Winter Games, looks at the areas in our Christian life that we are personally responsible for

    Everything has been done, you’ve dreamed, you’ve sacrificed, you’ve trained. And now as you stand looking down at the slope below you, you realize that everything now depends on you. As you prepared for this day you had your coach, your trainer and your family supporting you and encouraging you. more

  • 3. Hockey: Some Things We Have To Do Together

    Contributed on Feb 26, 2002
    based on 35 ratings

    The third in my series on the Winter Games, looks at the things in our Christian Walk that we need to as a team.

    Of all the events of the winter Olympics and there are 15 main events in all, plus their sub events, there is one event that seems to spark our country’s collective psyche like none other and that is the Men’s Hockey. From the choice of the 1980 American Hockey Team for lighting the flame this year more

  • 4. Curling: Some Things We'll Never Understand

    Contributed on Feb 26, 2002
    based on 40 ratings

    The fourth in my Winter Olympics Series, Looks at some things that we don’t understand.

    It just wasn’t right. Peter had done a lot of weird and wonderful things over the past three years but he wasn’t going to let Jesus wash his feet. That was a servant’s job, and besides Peter had feet like a hobbit’s and while Jesus had certainly touched the fisherman’s heart, Peter didn’t want more