Sermon Series
  • 1. Dry As Dust (Lesson 1 In Revival Series)

    Contributed on Jan 24, 2008
    based on 14 ratings

    The world is looking for God! But many of God’s chosen are asleep in their pews. For revival to come to this land, it must start with God’s people. (II Chr. 7:14)

    I. GODS VISUAL AID OF REVIVAL A. Ezekiel is a man confronted with a congregation of God’s people who are discouraged, displaced and spiritually dead. When circumstances are bleakest, ground is fertile for revival. God took Ezekiel to the top of a mount and gave him a demonstration of his power more

  • 2. Pillars And Pitfalls Of Revival (Lesson 2 In Revival Series)

    Contributed on Jan 24, 2008
    based on 6 ratings

    We often ask God for revival, he offers us a path that will lead there, and when we see the path we say “no thank you” and turn the other direction.

    The harried housewife sprang to the telephone when it rang and listened with relief to the kindly voice in her ear. "How are you, darling?" it said. "What kind of a day are you having?" "Oh, Mother," said the housewife, breaking into bitter tears, "I’ve had such a bad day. The baby won’t eat, the more

  • 3. Clearing The Landscape (Lesson 3 In Revival Series)

    Contributed on Jan 24, 2008
    based on 8 ratings

    Before a building project begins, there is always the process of clearing the landscape. You wouldn’t want to lay a foundation on land with debris, would you? In the process of building towards revival, what debris is on your landscape?

    • Throwing things away is not my strong point. My wife and my mother can attest to this. I remember when I was a teenager Mom used to come in my room and ask, "Glenn, are you in there?" Of course she was being sarcastic (At least I think she was). • When we moved I decided I would throw away more

  • 4. Back To The Bible (Lesson 4 In Revival Series)

    Contributed on Jan 29, 2008
    based on 6 ratings

    Any structure, lifestyle, curriculum, home, organization, or endeavor can only be as strong as it’s foundation.

    BACK TO THE BOOK II Chr 34 1. Any structure, lifestyle, curriculum, home, organization, or endeavor can only be as strong as it’s foundation. Jesus told his followers that the proper foundation for our spiritual house is God. We must never get too far away from the fundamental teachings of God more

  • 5. O Worship The King (Lesson 5 In Revival Series)

    Contributed on Feb 19, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    If the foundation for Revival is the word of God, then the flooring is passionate worship.

    O WORSHIP THE KING The Revival of Hezekiah - 2 Chr.28-30 1. Revival foundation - Bible - Flooring is a return to Passionate Worship 2. Ongoing debate in our fellowship concerning those dubbed “patternists” (insistence on the five acts of worship) and “passionists” (not concerned with more

  • 6. Finding The Power For Revival (Lesson #6 In Revival Series)

    Contributed on Feb 19, 2008
    based on 3 ratings

    We often look the wrong places for revival and as a result, the fire fades. Where can we find true revival?

    FINDING THE POWER FOR REVIVAL Introduction Sir C. Aubrey Smith, grand old gentlemen of stage and screen, liked to dine quietly. Consequently he was rather put out when, in a Hollywood restaurant, he happened to be seated near a noisy diner who kept yelling for the waiter. "What do you have to more